2. Before Fun

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It has been a week now since the whole group has met Kota. He has been pretty silent but was able to open up at times. Your sibling, Nym, was able to meet Kota yesterday, and they were talking sense. You were happy that Nym found someone else to replace Twenty-One for the moment being, but you realized how many things they had in common. Yet again, you weren't told exactly by how they relate, but you were only told it affects their current lifestyle. Whatever that means.

Besides that, you wanted to get to know Kota better, so what's better than getting to know someone and go to a fair? You only hoped that Kota wouldn't mind since you never really asked him. You made your way to Kota's room, gently knocking on the door. Since he arrived, he's been settling in Kame House pretty well. He even got used to Master Roshi's pervertedness about women. You chuckled lightly to yourself, smiling some.

You were soon brought out of your thoughts as the door opened up. Your eyes were soon fixed on the empty air before looking down to see Kota looking up at you. You held a laugh to yourself, forgetting that your (y/h) height didn't match up with Kota's 4'8 one. The male slouched some, crossing his arms—as if he could get any shorter.

"What is it that you need?" The soft voice came from the shorter male, a bit of exhaustion held in his voice.

You took a deep breath and exhaled, glancing at his eyes. You never really took in the thought of how bright his eyes are. What are you doing, (y/n)? Snap out of your thoughts and ask him! "Yeah, I was wondering if you want to go to the fair with me today. Since Nym is getting to know you better, I should at least do so too!"

Kota tilted his head, raising a brow. He didn't seem as if he used to offers. He shifted a little, thinking to himself. I shouldn't be rude, I should give them a chance. It's better to have allies than not to, Kota thought to himself, his eyes not leaving your face.

Well, prince, if you don't want to be rude I recommend saying something, a deep voice rumbled in his thoughts, causing the Syubbua to shiver.

I'm on it, I'm on it. Kota thought, shifting to stand up as he thought the awkward silence was best to be cut off. "I accept your offer. What time do you wanna leave? I have to get properly dressed." He asked, his tail twitching.

You flashed him a small and gentle smile, being thankful that he accepted your offer. "Well, it's pretty early now, how about we leave at noon? That should give you two to three hours before we go."

Kota nodded as he registered it in. "I will see you then?" He asked, though wasn't really looking for an answer.

You smiled and nodded before going off to the stairs. "See you later, I'll meet back here in a couple of hours!" You waved to him.

Kota waved back, wanting to be polite. He watched you leave, a smile creeping on his face as he went back into the room, closing the door.

I have not seen you be so open to people, the voice came back, startling Kota some.

"D-damn it, Grand Ni! You could've given me a heart attack." He hissed in annoyance, gripping the necklace gently.

A deep and godly chuckle erupted into his mind, being amused at his actions. It's been centuries since I was able to talk to my young one, is that too much to ask for?

The Syubbua groaned, making his way to the bathroom and opening the door. "Without a warning and telling me beforehand are two different things." He huffed, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

But I was... Never mind. It's good to see you being open to others, Grand Ni spoke, his voice ringing through the octaves.

Kota chuckled as he started to get undress, being very careful. "Hey, they remind me of my sister. Well, the middle child of the family..."

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