5. Panic Attack

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You were at Goku and Chi-Chi's house watching their son, Goten. Well, you would be if he didn't convince you to take him to the park where Vegeta's family was there. You weren't going to be rude and ignore them, allowing Goten and Trunks to go off and do their own thing.

"Honestly I'm surprised how my older twin was the soul that was caught in the linking.." You spoke, turning your head to them. "I guess they were lucky in some way.."

Bulma gave you a half-hearted smiled. "It would've been a bit easier for everyone if your sibling wasn't caught up in that mess. At least Nym has proper fighting experience now, despite having to use other people's bodies."

Vegeta let out a huff and tilted his head up slightly upwards. "We probably would've gotten it done faster if we weren't just useless bodies."

You raised a brow, glancing over at him. "You would've been absorbed by her evil form if you didn't have any more help, after all, Nym told me that Twenty-One had to sacrifice herself in order to get rid of the evil one."

Vegeta glanced over. "Seems like you have a tight relationship with your sibling."

You gave a nod, gripping at the jacket that you wore. "Yeah, we do. Nym and I are pretty much inseparable when it comes to secrets and such. Sure, right now they're sad that Twenty-One is gone, but should be doing better now that Kota is here. Speaking of Kota, have any of you actually talked to him?"

"A few times, actually. He was kind enough to let me run some tests on him." Bulma gave a smile. "Turns out Syubbians are actually similar to humans when it comes down to health. Not too similar like Saiyans are. They wouldn't be recognized as human if we took them to a normal hospital."

"I think I remember Nym telling me about that. Sure we don't know much about them, but I'm sure there's a planet revolving around the Syubbian culture." You lift your head. A thought soon came to your head as you glance at your pocket. You reached your hand into your pocket, taking out a phone. Turning it on, you see a message from your elder sibling.

Hey, I kinda need you to head over to Kami's House.

You raised a brow before lifting your head. "Damn, I can't leave Goten alone."

"We'll watch over him for you. It seems like you need to get somewhere important." Bulma suggested before gaining a sigh of relief from you.

"Thanks, Bulma, I really owe you one." You glanced at her and smiled before flying off.

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Kota gripped his arms tightly as he walked around in circles. "I don't know how I lost it—I had it with me when I was asleep."

Nym watched silently, crossing their arms. "You need to calm down, Kota, there must be some logical explanation for it."

Kota stopped and glanced over at him. "My necklace connects me to my guide. With it, we can communicate and such. I always have it with me at every hour of the day. The last time I spoke to Grand Ni was when..." He dropped the sentence as his eyes widen. "He sent someone to take it."

Nym raised a brow and tilted his head. "Who?" He questioned. The Syubbian glanced out the window with a nervous look.

"Evol sent someone of the dead to take it from me. Who would he send? How would he able to send them? Unless.." Kota glanced down before turning his gaze over to Nym. "Do you know who Frieza is?"

Nym stared with a cold sweat before frowning. "I hate to say that I do..."

Kota turned to face him completely and opened his mouth to speak. No words came out as the door opened up, letting you slide into view. The room fell into an awkward silence as now you felt the embrace of the fear and worry. It wasn't a wonderful mix as you now understood the situation that was at hand. You glanced over at Kota, who seemed to now be holding himself close together. You could sense the energy coming from him wasn't good, but nor was it an evil one. "So what's happening?" You decided to break the silence.

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