1. Awakening

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Blood surrounded the young male, practically entering his body through his openings. His eyes weakly open up, his vision is blurred as he could feel himself be dragged down somewhere. His body dragged him through the unconsciousness dreamscape—a clear meaning it was bringing him somewhere.

He felt cold air touch his back... Cold air? He soon felt his body drop from the blood, falling what seemed to be into oblivion. He felt his vision finally fix, but didn't understand the current situation as he felt. It registered into his mind, his mouth opening up to call out.

Nothing came out.

He felt his vision start to disappear, getting blurrier by every second. He wanted to land. He didn't enjoy every second of having any control. He didn't enjoy the vulnerability. He didn't enjoy any of this.

He closed his eyes tightly, soon felling a warmth cover him, making him stop falling. He was scared to open his eyes, but he was curious to see who his savior was. Deciding to test his luck, his eyes flickered open, letting his vision adjust to what he was staring at. He stared at a black biogem that shone brightly. His face was close up to the broad chest of his savior. His eyes trailed up the gray neck, soon fixing his gaze on the face. His amber eyes widen, staring into bright pink eyes. He couldn't move his eyes from the male as he knew the name that came across his mind.


"W-wait... You're Perfect Cell." Kota finally spoke up, a mixture of shock and interest as they floated down.

That signature smirk fixed across his facial structure, gaining the smaller male to close up in his grip. "I'm surprised you know me... Dragon."

Kota's eyes snapped open as he was let go from his grasp, falling again. He wasn't surprised that he did that, but he only hoped he could hover. Before that theory was tested, chains wrapped tightly around his body, holding him there. He glanced at the chains as they extended from somewhere he could not see. He stared closely at the chains, soon his gaze darken as he saw small and translucent purple strings.

"You... Did you bring me here through the dreamscape?" Kota hissed darkly, snapping his gaze to a being.

The large figure floated above Kota, bent over slightly to stare down at him. "Well, well, seems like my little traitor of a general remembers me." He cooed darkly, his piercing purple eyes stared down at him.

Kota held a dark gaze back. The anger and vengeance filled his body. He couldn't do anything, and he knew it. He took a deep breath through his mouth, then exhaled through his nose. He needed his guide. He needed his dragon. He needed Grand Ni. "What do you want from me? I thought Hell was all cozy but here you are, outside of it with those of the living. Nonetheless ones I've heard about from my visits to Earth."

The being above him laughed, moving a hand to his mouth. "Oh, so you betrayed your God and went somewhere forbidden?" His voice traced with venom.

Kota growled. "You're not my God, Evol! You're nothing under the rest! You might be of corruption, but I'm not letting you put that bullshit through my head again." He grinned darkly, his pupils have shifted into slits. He wasn't afraid, but he was hoping for his guide to come, holding onto that hope.

Evol glared at him, lowering down some, moving his hand to adjust the chains, rotating Kota up to look him in the eye. "And what do you propose you might do..?"

Kota shut his eyes tightly, his ears lifting up as he chuckled some. "You don't mess with a guide's student..."

Evol raised a brow as he moved back some before his eyes widen. "No, I shut them—!"

What If? // Dragon Ball FanficWhere stories live. Discover now