3. Cotton Candy

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A bit of time has passed, around an hour or so, and you and Kota have arrived at the fair. Getting in wasn't too hard, besides the bit of disruption...

"Hey, that's not cool to harass a girl like that," Kota growled at the taller male, crossing his arms.

The man glanced down at him and huffed. "And what are you doing to do about it, short stack? You're half a man and not matching up to my height."

Kota growled roughly and went to lunge forward. Knowing it was a red flag, you quickly wrap your arms around him and attempted to keep him back. He jerked his head at you, still holding that upset look. His ears twitched before letting out a soft sigh, relaxing into your hold and muttering a thank you. The man burst out in laughter, soon getting Kota to glare at him again.

"Awe, is this your significant other? Funny." The man laughed, getting Kota to groan in annoyance.

You shook your head, glancing at Kota. "Just ignore him..."

Kota closed his eyes tightly, surely grumbling something under his breath. The line went quiet was the moment being before...

"Still pretty funny how he thought everything would go his way when the staff came." Kota chuckled, glancing.

You nodded. "Guess everyone wasn't having it as well, I'm just only glad you didn't start a fight that would kick us out."

Kota let out a soft laugh before glancing at you. "And I'm glad YOU stopped me before that even happened." His amber eyes fixed themselves upon you. "I promise, nothing bad is going to come from this."

Oh, how wrong that phrase would be in a matter of time...

The two of you walked around the area, trying to find something to do. Kota had suggested that doing some games to win prizes would be a good idea, considering that if you were going to be here for a few hours, might as well bring back something. You had debated on that thought for a while before deciding to take that offer. Now after a few minutes, you were waiting in line to go up next for a game. Kota glanced up at you, grinning some. Your gaze shifted to him and held a soft smile as the short male went to stand up straight.

"Still trying to be tall, are you now?" You teased gently, gaining the Syubbua to groan.

"Sheesh, no need to rub it in my face." He groaned, folding his arms. He soon shifted his gaze away, but it was obvious he held a smile on his face.

You chuckled and leaned down, giving him a small smile. "No need to be embarrassed over it, it's all good."

He glanced up at you, trying his best to not smile. "It's nice to see people trying to win me over... Platonic wise. It's really strange since I still have my evil blood in me. If we weren't in public, I can show you my horns... That sounds sexual, don't take it sexual." He groaned, becoming flustered.

You snorted some and shook your head. "I wasn't going to until you mention it."

Kota rolled his eyes and lifted his head. "Mm, of course." His ears perked up as he jerked his head in a direction. His pupil's shifted into slits, staring at something. You tilted your head, soon following his direction. You open your mouth to say something but stopped when you found what Kota was staring at. Kota grabbed your wrist and dragged you off. "Fuck this shit, we are leaving."

"What? We can't just leave now!" You gasped, glancing at him.

Kota glanced over at you. "I'd rather not risk someone I like die."

You grinned some. "Awe, you like me?" You teased.

Kota stopped and let go of your wrist, sighing. "Can we get some cotton candy or something? I'd rather distract myself from the fact we are being stalked."

You gave a nod. "Of course, that's a plan I would enjoy." You went off to a stand.

Kota followed after you, smiling some. His eyes trailed off as he glanced over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes. "I don't know why you're sending your elite force to stalk us, but whatever it makes me think you're working for Evol." He muttered under his breath as his amber eyes glowed gently. He glanced back at you, moving a hand to grip his necklace. "Oh Grand Ni, do protect them from this upcoming darkness." He smiled some and went after you, going up to your side.

You glanced at Kota and smiled. Kota glanced up at you, his ears twitching as he returned the smile. It was never determined if his smile was meaning anything, but he wasn't going to be rude. The two of you stood in silence before it was your turn, getting two bags of cotton candy and paying up. You handed Kota a bag and he took it. The two of you went to sit down, holding a small and quiet conversation. The two of you sat on a bench, soon embracing a silence. Kota seemed a bit distracted as he stared off into nothingness.

"You alright?" You asked, making the Syubbua jump a little. He glanced at you and sighed some. "Distracted over many thoughts." He answered.


"Mhm. You all confuse me."

"All? You mean the Z Fighters?"

"Is that what you call yourselves? Interesting name, but yes, you guys. I have no idea why you're trying so hard to get me to like you. I was the number two to a powerful God, his puppet that carried out the dirty work and grew in the emptiness that is the void of evil. It's scary, really. I'm a bit shocked how people embrace it's calling! Yet again, evil is intoxicating and many evil beings come from it and can consume the Gods... Think of it, Evol is a god amongst probably hundreds of others. Evol may not be the strongest evil god, or in general, but he knows how to manipulate others. I was foolish back then, only wanting power and nothing else. Guess I gave into it quickly since I felt as if my family was holding me back from my dreams or I never wanted to rule. I don't consider myself worthy to rule, unlike my sisters." Kota lowered his head with a sorrowful look. "Guess I really do miss my family, but I can't leave now. There is a problem that will arise and I fear that if I don't accomplish my fear of facing Evol again, then perhaps you all will have a harder time."

You stared in confusion before tilting your head. "Wait what...?"

Kota lifted his head, glancing at you before smiling. "Sorry, I got lost in thought and rambled." He stood up, his tail flicking. "Well, we should probably head back since I'm kinda done for the day."

"Wait, already? Are you sure?" You stood up, glancing at him.

Kota nodded. "We don't need spies trying to track us down and have the others worry, especially Nym." He walked off as his tail flicked.

You stared in disbelief, but in confusion as well. "What does he know that we don't...?"

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