4. Hellscape

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Kota stared at the night sky, his eyes having to be reverted to a silver color. He let out a sigh as he embraced the coldness of the night, feeling at peace. "It's not like home but it'll do." He sighed and lied against the island's ground, staring up at the stars. "It's late, isn't it Grand Ni?"

Correct, A voice answered him, It should be around two A.M. here.

"Two, huh? Damn, I'm not used to Earth's time still." Kota chuckled silently to himself before closing his eyes. "Perhaps it's better to sleep like everyone else."

I will watch your dreams carefully than, goodnight, Grand Ni spoke as the Syubbua held a small smile on his face before it goes away.

"Night Grand Ni." Kota yawned as he stretched across the grass, curling up some. His conscious started to slip away as he gave in to slumber.

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Kota snapped his eyes open as he glanced around. He didn't know where he was at first as he went to stand up. His silver eyes shifted to their usual amber hue as he stared around. He examined the blue spiked terrain around him. His eyes flickered around as he saw that he was in some form of a cave. The cave was dark and barely had any light to show. He knew Hell was different for everyone once they were set in their place, so where could he be? He decided it was best to search more before he could pinpoint his location. He was unsure to move from his location but knew that if this was a dream he could possibly control it. He took cautious steps as he began tracing his memories back. His tail lowered down to feel the texture of the ground. It was rough and cold, but also warm. He could feel no wind blowing or any air at all. His eyes flickered to the ceiling as it appeared to be somewhat damp and dripping a substance. He soon stopped at an edge, glancing over to look down. Strange crystals were spouting out at the bottom—they held a beautiful color.

"Kota." A voice spoke, gaining the Syubbua to jump in his place from being startled. Kota turned around to face the being as he knew the voice was familiar.

"O,h thank Gods it's just you, Grand Ni." Kota sighed in relief, glancing at the dragon who smaller in size. "Why are you shrunk down?"

"We are in Hell and I would enjoy not being my humanoid form or larger. I'm not going to put up being called a Saiyan." Grand Ni let out a tired groan as he glanced around. "Unless Satan allows these fallen souls to be free, we should be fine to explore."

"More the bigger question to explore, why is this the second time I went here instead of the normal dreamscape? There has to be some logical explanation and it's not like we can go up to Satan and ask why I am here. I'm sure it's logical! Like a warning!" Kota rambled, starting to walk on the pathway again. Grand Ni let out a sigh before following after him.

Kota gazed upon the terrain of Hell, his ears perked up. He knew that Hell was the worse place to end up when you died and he rather afraid of ending up in his own personal Hell. He held a feeling that if he didn't turn and do good that Hell was where he would end up at. Only towards the end he was able to hear his guide's voice and seek reasoning. If it weren't for a certain chain of events, he was never going to switch. Kota shook his head as he didn't want to think about those times. His eyes shifted to Grand Ni who was close behind him and looking around perhaps to keep alert. He smiled some before glancing forward, his ears perked up.

Something is off, Kota thought as he stopped in his tracks. He was frozen as he felt bad energies all around. Grand Ni noticed his actions before going to his side.

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