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Abby was standing next to the driver's door of Matt's truck when he walked out of the station after work. "Hey, Abby," he said with a warm smile. "How long have you been here?" he asked as he pulled his keys out of his jean pocket. Normally, he didn't change out of his uniform after work because he went home and showered right after work anyways. However, he had changed out of his uniform into his jeans and t-shirt today.

"I haven't been here long," Abby answered quietly while avoiding eye contact. "Can you take me to my house real quick?

"Sure," Matt answered with a smile. "I forgot my duffle bag in the locker room," he state before he started back towards the station. He entered the locker room and grabbed a bag before he dialed Brandon's office number. "I need to talk to Dr. Rumbia."

"He has an appointment. I can give you his voice mail or have him call you later," Ricky said

"No, it's about Abby," Matt protested. "I need him now. If in any way that's possible, I would appreciate it. I've got her standing outside my truck."

"I'll go get him," Ricky said as he stood up and hurried down the hall. "Brandon, Abby is with Matt. He just got and wants to talk to you," he blurted out busting into the exam room. Brandon stopped what he was doing as soon as he heard those words.

"Transfer him to my office," Brandon commanded standing up quickly. "Then would you finish up here for me?" he asked before hurrying out of the room; Ricky followed him and sent the call on to Brandon's office. "Hello!" Brandon picked up on the first ring.

"Abby is okay. She showed up at the police station a little while ago looking for me," Matt reassured Brandon. "She wants me to take her home then I'm supposed to take her somewhere. I'm not sure where though," he continued. "Here's what I suggest, she's okay so I'll take her to the house then hang out with her. I'll see if I can get her to tell me what's wrong," Matt instructed. "I have to go," he said and hung up before Brandon could ask questions. Matt walked into the parking lot again. "Sorry it took so long," he apologized. "I had to talk to someone. I'm taking you to your house, right?" he asked with a smile. Abby nodded. "How determined are you to have me take you somewhere? Can we hang out?"

"I guess for a little bit," Abby answered quietly. "What do you want to do?" she asked quietly. "I think I just want to talk."

"That's fine. I like talking," he said as he smiled gentle at her. "So I see you let Brandon take your trainer braces off yesterday."

"I did finally," Abby said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "He had to do a lot of sweet talking. I wasn't feeling good and going to his offices made me unbearable, but he wanted me to so he deserved it."

"Did it hurt when Brandon took them off?" Matt asked.

"It hurt a little," Abby admitted.

"When I got my braces off it hurt because the back bracket was stuck so they had to leave it in," Matt said.

"It mostly hurt because Brandon had to hold me down in the chair. Even then, I wouldn't open my mouth," Abby added. "It was about 5:00 before we finally got to go home. I thought it was stupid."

"You were the one that was causing all the trouble," Matt pointed out. "Why would you not just open your mouth?"

"Brandon was pretty angry," Abby stated. "I was scared that he would hurt me. Maybe not even on purpose but if he is mad, he may not be as gentle as normal."

"Abby, I've got a question for you," Matt said as he looked over at Abby. "I know you ran away. Is that why?" he asked. She just looked down at her feet.

"How'd you know?" Abby asked shyly.

"Brandon called me at work and told me," Matt told her. Suddenly his phone started ringing. "Hello," he answered the phone. "Hi, Brandon," he added.

"Thank goodness you answered," Brandon projected. "Is Abby still with you."

"No," Matt lied. "When I got out to the truck she was gone. I'm not sure where she went."

"Okay," Brandon said with a note of discouragement and worry in his voice. "Will you let me know if you find out anything?"

Yes, sir," Matt promised. "I'll let you know if I hear anything," he added before he hung up. He looked over at Abby, who in return just glared back at him. "I just called him to let him know that you're okay. He cares about you and was worried about you. I promise," he said shaking his head slightly.

"Whatever," Abby huffed.

"I didn't have to just lie for you, you know," Matt pointed out. "I care about you and just want you to be safe and happy."

"Thanks," Abby said and smiled. "It still hurts to smile, but it's getting better," she added softly. "I'm really lucky to have a," she paused and thought for a moment. "I guess I can call you a friend."

My Brother, the DentistWhere stories live. Discover now