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"I'll see you tomorrow," Abby said to one of her friends as she walked out the doors of her school. As she started walking down the sidewalk, she saw both Brandon and Matt parked next to each other in the parking lot.

"Abby, I've got to go," Brandon said as he stepped out of his car. He hugged tightly. "I'll only be gone a few days. Matt's in charge. Be respectful and treat him good," he instructed sternly before smiling. "I love you and I'm going to miss you. I'll call you tonight."

"Okay," Abby mumbled. Brandon ruffled her hair a little before walking back to his car and getting in. Matt was sitting in the truck in the next parking space over. Abby went over to the truck and climbed into the front seat. "Let's go," she said quietly.

"Are you upset that Brandon left?" Matt asked, trying to read the situation and react accordingly. Abby simply struggled. "We should probably get going if we are going to make it to my appointment on time."

"Yeah," Abby sighed loudly. They rode in silence for a while. "This week's going to be different. I am going to miss having Brandon around the house and going to his office," she finally said. "Have you ever missed something you hated?" she chuckled.

"I know what you are feeling," Matt answered. "Everything is going to be okay though," he reassured. They continued in silence again. "Are you going to hold my hand?" he finally asked.

"Are you serious," Abby asked with a chuckle.

"I guess I will be okay," Matt hesitated slightly. "Where are your true friends when you need them?"

"I will if you are serious," Abby continued to chuckle. "I don't think you are though. I can't tell with you anymore. You joke around so much."

"I wasn't joking but I think I can live without holding your hand," Matt admitted as he turned into a parking lot. "You need to decide if you are going to go in with me."
"I think that I will go with you and ask questions," Abby answered. "It would be a good chance to learn about braces and maybe see what they would be like."

"Okay," Matt said as he stepped out of the truck and walked around to the passenger's side. "Are you ready?" he asked as he opened the door for Abby.

"Before I get out, you have to make a promise to me," Abby said as she turned to look Matt in the eyes. "You have to be on my side in there, because it's just not fair when the older people team up on the little angel."

"You are definitely not an angel," Matt laughed. "You are very funny though I'll give you that," he added. "When we go in there, I will support you as long as you are exercising yourself control and acting maturely."

"Okay," Abby agreed. She slid out of the truck and began following Matt through the parking lot. "My arms are starting to hurt. Can you slow down like two or three steps?" she whined. "You know you should try these things. It's not fun."

"Sorry," Matt said as he slowed down a little to allow Abby to catch up. "Is this better?" he asked.

"Yeah," Abby answered. "Thank you," she added. "Are you going to cry?" she asked with a smirk.

"I hadn't planned on it," Matt chuckled. "I think I can pull though this without crying. Are you doing okay?" he asked as he stopped to let Abby catch up.

"I'm doing fine," Abby said as she continued to walk. "However, you are walking faster than you normally do because you are nervous. You can deny it all you want, but I can tell."

"I guess I am a little nervous," Matt finally admitted. "I don't want to have that tooth pulled. What I don't get is Brandon looked at it and didn't say anything," he huffed. He opened the door to the building and walked in quickly. The door shut in front of Abby as she tried to follow behind quickly. "You can sit over there," he said as he turned to talk to Abby. He quickly looked around before realizing that she was still standing outside the door. "I'm sorry," he said opening the door for Abby.

"I know you are nervous. I know that you don't want that tooth pulled but you need to just relax," Abby pointed out. "I think you'll be okay. Personally, I think it doesn't even need out, but what do I know. I'm not a dentist."

"You are the next best thing," Matt added. "You really know what you are talking about sometimes. I mean I'm sure some of the dental stuff Brandon talks about rub off on you," he said as he walked up to the front desk. "Hello, my name is Dylan Harrison. I have an appointment in about 15 minutes," he informed the receptionist. Eric was working again.

"Thank you. You can have a seat, Dr. Taylor will be out soon," Eric told Matt.

"Are you still nervous?" Abby asked as she placed her hand on Matt's leg to keep it from bouncing up and down vigorously. Matt smiled softly and nodded his head slightly.

"Dylan, come this way," Dr. Taylor called as he waked into the waiting room. "Hey, Abby," he greeted.

"Hey," Abby smiled shyly.

"If you don't mind, I'd like Abby to go with me," Matt said. "She wanted to ask some questions about braces."

"That would be a great idea," Dr. Taylor encouraged. "If you both will just follow me this way."

My Brother, the DentistWhere stories live. Discover now