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"Hey, Ricky," Matt said as he stepped out of his truck. "Abby's going to get a good long talking to when I see her. She's been pushing her luck with me all day. I don't know why Brandon let's her get away with it but I'm not going to play this game," he fumed.

"Getting angry won't help," Ricky replied timidly. After several minutes of silence, he finally continued. "We'll go in together. You're going to stay in the waiting room, and I'll go talk to her. I think she might listen to me. We just have this special connection," he explained.

"Let's just go in." Matt sighed as he flung open the door. Ricky quickly followed and watched as Matt took a seat in one of the waiting room chairs.

"Abby, it's Ricky. Are you here?" Ricky called out as he started down the hall. "You didn't lock up," he continued. He walked into Brandon's office. Abby was asleep on a mat in the floor. He walked over and shook her. "Abby, what are you doing?" he asked. Abby started to wake up. She realized someone was sitting beside her and started to scurry away. "Abby, it's Ricky. I thought you were doing paper work for Brandon," he comforted her softly. "Where's Matt anyways? I thought you said he was going to keep you company."

"Yeah, he was," Abby answered. She shifted and moved to sit up. "Can you get my crutches and help me up?" she requested. Ricky helped her into a chair. "Ricky, have you talked to Brandon?" she finally added timidly. Ricky looked down and shook his head yes.

"I didn't call him. He called me if that makes it any better," Ricky explained. "Do you want to tell me what's happening?" he asked. He walked over and sat in a chair next to Abby.

"I guess I might as well," Abby answered with a sigh. "Matt was being too protective. He wouldn't let me go spend the night at a friend's house. On top of that, he has to work in the morning, so I'll have to ride the bus to school and I really don't want to. He just doesn't understand," she combined and leaned her head back. "Brandon called me, you, and probably Matt, too."

"Have you tried talking to Matt?" Ricky asked. "He can't try to fix his behavior if he doesn't know how you feel," he explained.

"You just don't understand," Abby sighed. "He just doesn't seem to get it. No matter what I do, it never seems to be good enough."

"Do you think you could try to talk to him?" Ricky asked and Abby shook her head yes gently. "He came with me to take you back home."

"You've got to be kidding me," Abby exclaimed loudly. "So this was just a trick to make me go back home?"

"No," Ricky answered. "I'm only going to make you go back if you want to," he added. "Technically, if you want to go back home, I won't have to make you."

"True," Abby giggled. Ricky always did know how to make her feel better. "Do you think he's mad?"

"I don't think so," Ricky answered honestly. "I think he is mostly worried. I can go get him if you would like so you guys can talk."

"Sure," Abby said half heartedly. She didn't honestly want to talk to Matt but she didn't see a better way to get out of this situation. Ricky left the office. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Abby called.

"Hey, Abby," Matt responded softly as he ended the office. Abby simply waved so Matt moved to sit in a chair next to her. "Do you want to talk about what's going on?"

"Not really," Abby paused. The office was silent for a long time. "I feel like you aren't treating me like I think I should be treated. I want to feel like I am trusted. You won't let me spend time at my friend's house," she finally confessed. "If I go over there, you call me and pick me up," she looked down.

"I'm sorry you feel that way," Matt answered. "Would you rather feel like people don't care about you?"

"I don't feel like talking about it," Abby shot back. "Ricky said he wanted to help but I didn't think he was going to have you sitting down the hall. I was stupid to fall for that trick. I should have known that you would be here. I just want to go home."

"It wasn't a trick," Matt said. "I'll make a deal with you, if you promise not to run away, I'll take you wherever you want to go," he smiled at her. Slowly, a smiled worked onto her face. "But you have to promise to tell me where you are going."

"We have a deal," Abby replied. "Can you take me to school tomorrow? I know you have to work and go to that meeting for the schools," she added as she tried standing up. Matt helped her.

"Yeah," Matt confirmed. "I'll just call them tonight and tell them I need to take you to school. They should be okay with that."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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