Chapter 9: The aftermath

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*tuesday morning*

Oh God, I'm awake. Was everything just a dream? Did I really had the most wonderful birth-day yesterday?

My phone beeped. Gotta check who's it from.


It's from Matt. I can't help but smile. The feeling from what happened yesterday started flowing on every single of my veins. I hugged my phone for a second and rushed to fix myself up and join mom for breakfast before we start our day.

I told my mom about what my friends did for me yesterday. Mom got teary eyed out of happiness and said that she can't wait to meet them all, specially Matt.


I got to school and saw Matt waiting in front of my locker, with a bunch of sunflowers on his hand, and a little box on the other. My distance toward him seem to multiply ten times farther. The sudden shift of reality in slow motion got me thinking, is it an extension of my birthday? Could my week get any better?

"Hey!" I gave him an addressing nod and a casual smile.

"Good morning, beautiful! These are for you." He responded, handing me the flowers and a small box.

"Oh! Thank you! These are beautiful! Is it still my birth-day? Sorry, I didn't get the memo." I chuckled.

"You're always welcome. I just felt like brightening up your day in return. Because you always brighten mine. Walk you to your class?" He offered me his elbow as we started to walk.

Oh my holy bucket of skittles. What heroic act have I done in my past life to have this kind of treatment two days in a row? I wanna hug myself right now, or if it isn't too much, I could hug Matt.

"See you at lunch, Kels."

I didn' realize I've been lost in my happy bubble for a while now, and we're at the door outside my classroom already. "Yep, see ya. Thanks again for these presents."

I forgot to leave his presents at my locker. And with that, I caught the attention of some of my classmates. I approached my seat and said short hellos to Ashley and Effie. Ashley might not have heard me because she didn't say anything back.

Earlier at lunch, I noticed Matt's seemingly hopeful expression. Matt asked me if he could give me a ride home. So I texted my mom to go home straight and that she doesn't have to fetch me at school.

By the time we stopped at my house, Matt held my hand. "Kels, have you opened the present that I gave you?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't yet. I was actually planning on opening it at home." I explained to him with a smile.

"C-can you o-open it now?" Matt looked a bit nervous but still managed to fake a smile.

"Okay? Looks like you're more excited than I am. Kidding." I joked at Matt. He just shrugged and gave the same smile that he did just a while ago.

I gently pulled the pretty ribbon and opened the box. There's a note inside that says "Please be mine." I immediately looked back at Matt. He picked up the bracelet from the box, and helped me putting it on. It's a simple bracelet with one charm, a sun flower. "I thought of just putting one charm, so we could add more charms that could represent memories that we're gonna have." Matt explained.

I opened my mouth, attempted to say something. But, I closed it right back and smiled at him. 'this guy, he really is something' I thought to myself. And instead of giving him a verbal answer, I kissed him on his cheek, and immediately got out of his car. I am so glad that he looked startled on what I did. I ran to my doorstep and looked back at him. "take care, bye!" I told him, before I actually open the door and get inside.

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