Casting a circle

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Before/After you've grounded and centered you would cast a circle to protect from outside forces while you cast a spell or begin a ritual. There are thousands of ways to do this and it all depends on the witch. The only real requirements that I know of, is that you cast a circle big enough for you to fit inside, and have a bit of room to walk around inside the circle a bit. Now depending on the materials you have, your circle may look a bit different so I will write one, and list supplements

Option one
Salt/glass marbles/crystals/ stones/sticks(or you can leave the circle marked metaphysically)
Candle/stone that represents fire
Bowl of water/ stone that represents water
Stone/piece of wood/ a potted plant
Feather/ stone that represents air
Crystal/birthstone/ something to represent spirit
If you are working with deities
Representations of each deity
Offering bowl

1.Use the besom to clean any old energies
2. Mark the circle with your wand or athame or hands if you don't own either
3. Mark the circle with salt(or whatever you are marking with)
4. Mark the top of the circle with spirit
5. Mark the other four elements. If you have a specific order use that.
If working with deities
Place the representations of each deity by your representation of spirit
When closing the circle, leave the offering out side
6. Stand in the middle of the circle and imagine a dome rising from the ground around you

After you finish you would do everything in reverse. Also be sure to thank the deities and elements. After you have done this, leave out your offering bowl.

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