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Samhain is right around the corner so I'm going to tell you a little bit about it and how I'm going to celebrate this year.
What is Samhain?
Samhain (pronounced as s-ow-wayn) is a celebration on the 31rst of October. It celebrates the second harvest, the upcoming darkness and when the veil between the living and the dead is at it's thinnest. It is also known as the witches new year.
How do I celebrate?
There is no right or wrong way to celebrate. Some suggestions are:
- making/ remaking your Besom ( Broom)
- harvesting from your herb garden if you haven't done that already
- divination
- spirit work ( Contacting and honouring ancestors, shadow work, ect.)
- staying up late/all night
- Making offerings to the deceased ( like sugar skulls, tea cakes, ciders ect.)
- dress up as a ghost or ghoul
- ask for a specific spirit to visit your home
- spend time with your loved ones

How I am celebrating
I am going to remake my Besom because I need to. I plan on making a space for my cats who passed away and invite them back into my room. I'm thinking on doing some night time meditation under the moon with some crystals and I may dress up. This Samhain isn't going to be super packed  with activities, maybe next year, but I may also update on the 27th.

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