Fake witches

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I know that title might be confusing so let me explain. A fake witch is a person who fakes spells, spiritual contact, psychic ability ect. In my case she didn't provide proof. I'm going to tell you that story. So when I was a ity bitty baby witch and had only been practicing for 7-8 months, I contacted a friend through text. See, her sister was a witch, key word WAS. She quit the craft and to this day I don't know why. Anyway I ask my friend if she could donate her sisters old witch stuff if her sister was ok with that. She responded,"Yeah we do, We should be in a cult together."
I corrected her and said," you mean coven" at this point I was suspicious and thought I could have said anything and she would have said," yes". I responded," I think you should study more before considering a coven". Which is true. You don't start a coven just because you want to. And even then you need a lot of serious consideration and most covens have a high priest/priestess. Anyway she said," I study". In my head I was screaming," OH REALLY!?!" But I played it cool and decided to do a simple quiz. "Ok, what is the word for a male witch?" I politely asked. The correct answer is," A witch". But she, previously being active in the chat stayed silent. She said nothing. Ok something is up. I later told her,"Would you like to skip the question, you'll have to come back to it".
"Yea hold on".
I'm thinking she is going to do a Google search but instead she ignores the conversation until 3 days later I text her,"Hey. Do you actually study Witchcraft. Be honest I'm ok if you do or don't but if you don't practice or study then don't lie. We'd still be friends if you aren't a practitioner, but I would hate to class you as a fake." I probably gave her to many chances. But she didn't take advantage of any of them. Instead she tells me," I do so don't think shit". At that point, I knew she wasn't being rational. I decided to change the subject back to what I originally wanted. Stuff to further my studies. Which I didn't get in case you were wondering. After that I broke connections with her and the only times I see her is in the hallways. Anyway I hope you don't ever have to deal with this kind of situation and have a lovely day. Also before you go, thank you. This spell book( I guess that's what I'll call it) reached a lot more views than I have ever previously thought. Once again thank you.

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