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I have mentioned before that crystals are useful for witches. While you don't need crystals, they are an important tool that anyone can enjoy. So in this instalment of Witchcraft 101, I will talk about the reason why witches use crystals, the most basic crystal set, crystal grids, where to find crystals and how to cleanse and align them. First, why are crystals so beloved by witches. Well, crystals emit energies and very strong ones at that. In fact electronics today use crystals to aid in communication. Each crystal emits a different energy and thus have various properties. If you are just starting out, the best set is a quartz stone for carry, and a stone to leave at home for practice. And slowly you can build up your collection.

Crystal grids
What is a crystal grid? Essentially a crystal grid is a pattern or circuit of crystals that work together to create a stronger energy. Sometimes theses energies are strong enough to actually break other crystals around them. This makes them fantastic for casting circles and spell work.

Places to buy crystals have their pros and cons, so choose at your own expense
Gem and mineral shows:
- generally good quality
- nice venders
- you can find a good bargain
- likely some other things for Witchcraft
- some people fake crystals via dying other cheaper crystals
- some venders don't take care of crystals causing sun-bleached stones
- there are some VERY expensive crystals
- you have to hunt for a bargain

- usually cheap
- can buy in bulk

- some are faked
- you don't always know what you're getting
- things get lost in shipping

Metaphysical stores
- generally are what they say they are
- can find other tools for witchcraft
- good quality
- expensive
- metaphysical stores aren't common in certain places

Donations/ hand me downs
- cheap/free
- this con is for most methods of obtaining crystals, the crystal my have picked up other energies

Cleaning and aligning crystals
There are thousands upon thousands of ways to cleanse a crystal. What I like to do is place my crystals in a bowl of salt and place it under the full moon. Another way is to bathe your crystals in a natural source of running water, preferably not tap water. Others bless the crystal and sage it. You can even run it through the steam that rises from your tea (this one is really good if you're still in the broom closet)! You do what feels right. To align a crystal you spend time with your crystal. Put it in your pocket and walk around with it. Heads up, it can take a while for you crystal to align with you. It can take only a week or take a little longer than a month. Just let what happens, happen.

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