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Imbolc is coming up soon. Really soon. In fact it's tomorrow and Saturday. So you may want to know how to celebrate and what you're celebrating. Imbolc is after the winter solstice but before the spring equinox. It is mostly about the upcoming spring season and the return of the sun. It is also about casting out the old, and bringing in the new. This is a good time for spring cleaning, even if it doesn't look like spring.
Some other activities to do are
- planting seeds
- re/making your besom/wand
- getting out of a tough situation
- buying/ crafting new things for your alter
- cleaning your room
- Making a Brigid's Cross/ corn poppet
- making a hope charm ( will post later today)
- writing a poem
- preforming a spell for rain ( there is a Gaelic legend saying that on Imbolc, if it is rainy and "gloomy" then spring will come faster, think of the groundhog on Groundhog's Day)

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