Chapter 23: Diminishing Numbers

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Chapter 23: Diminishing Numbers

I watched hidden as 'Big-toe' caught up with 'his' comrades. I smirked as they complained about how he was taking so long. I kept a close eye on all of them, waiting for a signal from Shikamaru or for The Sound guys to realize that 'Big-toe' wasn't himself. When Shikamaru was too compliant with the redhead's orders she noticed something was wrong and I got a few kunai ready. Spidey also seemed to notice and attacked Shikamaru, tossing the casket to the redhead. I threw a kunai at her aiming for her hands.

She kicked the casket up and out of the way while dodging. I frowned, then smiled as the kunai hit the tree, pulling the attatched wires tight, catching the falling casket. I ran across the wires smirking at the redhead, only to get my foot caught by one of spidey's strings and to get flung into a tree and become stuck. Then I realized where the web came from and looked at it in disgust. "GROSS!! THE STRING IS MADE OF SPIT! HE'S GOT STICKY SPIT!!!"  I said this while frantically trying to get it off only to get my hands stuck in the mess. Then I realized my most powerful weapon, my mind. I used telekinesis to remove the webs and they peeled off easily. I released a sigh of relief and looked at Shikamaru who was strapped to a tree, Naruto who was captured in a spit net, and Kiba who was trapped by his feet as was Akumaru. Neji was just captured and wrapped in a coocoon. 

I growled in annoyance, not seeing how I could free them yet. Naruto was trying to cut the lines with a kunai, only succeeding in stretching the string. "My web is unbreakable, it can even carry two elephants." Spidey boasted before chewing on more of his sticky spit. He started pulling a new color of string out of his mouth, saying "Golden Spider Spikes!" I growled and jumped towards him, aiming a chakra charged punch at him. He just dodged and I flew into the net where Naruto was hanging in with his clones. I quickly went to work on making me float while removing the string.

"Let's play the 'Guess the Real Body' game shall we?" Spidey asked, holding his harden web spikes. I growled working faster, it's not as easy as it sounds. I have to take control of every molecule of the web and force it to move. It takes alot of concentration to do so. He threw a spike at a Naruto and everybody had a panicked look on their face. I stopped what I was doing and forced the spike to miss Naruto. Everyone sighed in relief, that is until he threw another one, which I also caused to miss.

"What the hell?" Spidey asked, throwing another one. This time I melted the water in his spit-web, making it melt. Spidey looked baffled, I smirked. "Problem?" I asked. He glared at me and threw one of his spikes at me. I made it miss, "Ooh, so close Spidey. Try again! Your aim will eventually get better!" I said cheerfully, mocking him. This time her threw two, one at Naruto and one at me. I made them both miss. "Aww come on! I'm not even trying!" I taunted. It seem's he got an idea and made more, then threw them at everyone. I caused all but the ones that his Naruto's clones and me to miss. I smiled and waved at him in a poof of smoke, dissapearing...

I smirked as the clone of me dissapeared in a poof of smoke. I went to Shikamaru and freed him from his web as well as Kiba and Akumaru from theirs, getting a soft punch from Kiba, warning me to never do that again. I smiled and turned to Neji's coocoon, only to see it empty. I turned to spidey to see the real Naruto standing behind Neji with a cut string attatched to his wrist. Neji was explaining that things with chakra could be destroyed if you put chakra into it. Eventually he told us to go, I walked up behind him and hugged him good luck, keeping an eye on Spidey while I put a flair in his pocket. "Use this when you are done and help will come." I whispered in his ear before jumping to the others.

The contemplated on leaving and I stayed silent waiting for their answers. Neji persisted on us going so we could save Sasuke. "He has a point guys, if we stay here we will miss our chance." I added my two cents later. We jumped away together, leaving Neji to fight a difficult enemy. Later I saw another flair, I sighed in relief. 'He will be fine, in critical care, but fine.' I reassured myself. "Let's keep going!" I shouted. 'Next is two-face, if I remember Kiba has to fight it. will I help him, or follow the others?' I thought, nearly panicking. 

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