Chapter 6

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On the day of the Nightshade's attack, Kira made sure that she was ready to leave. She had decided that she didn't need any of her personal items, other than a single picture of her brother. She also made sure to wear her armor and daggers underneath her clothes, so that no one could tell they were there. No one noticed during her fight with hunter three weeks ago, so she figured that no one knew she had her own armor.

Kira was in line at training, the same strict officer in front of her. This time, however, there were two differences. One of those was that Kira was prepared for a war at any moment, and the other was that everyone she had once knew, if even barely, wasn't themselves any longer. They were all mindless slaves, and she had to act like them.

Amber, in a bored tone, asked Kira, "So Kira, how is it on your side?"

Kira responded, saying, "Everyone is mindless and does everything without hesitation. We're doing the usual physical endurance training, but everyone is like a zombie."

"It's the same here. It's extremely boring, but there's nothing we can-"

At that moment, there was a loud thud, and everything went black.


When Kira awoke, she was in a damp room. The room was similar to that of a jail cell. She laid on the bed she awoke in silently as she began to hear the sound of faint footsteps, hoping that whoever it was wouldn't look at her.

Once the footsteps faded, Kira realized that she hadn't heard from Amber since she had awoken. Reaching out to Amber, Kira said, "Amber?"

After a moment, there was no response back. Kira tried once more, saying, "Amber?"

"Thank goodness I can hear you again Kira!"

When Kira got Amber's frantic response, she couldn't help but smile happily. Kira asked Amber, "Where are you right now?"

Amber responded, "Outside the Nightshade base. Apparently they have some kind of barrier that makes this look like a random rock formation from a distance. They said that once you wake and they ask you some questions that I can see you again!"

"So, I'm in the Nightshade base right now?"

"Yeah. I trust them though. They even gave me some treats earlier!"

Kira smiled again when she heard this. For some reason, just hearing her dragon's happiness was enough to make her day better.

"Well, if you trust them, I trust them. I'll see you later Amber."

"I'll see you later!"

A few moments after Kira and Amber stopped talking, she heard a set of footsteps approaching. This time, however, she didn't try and hide the fact that she was awake. She sat on the bed, waiting and hoping that she could get out of the cell soon.

Rather than passing her, the footsteps stopped at her door. She looked to see who it was, and saw Ruby. Kira didn't know Ruby at that point, but knew that she recognized her from somewhere.

Kira asked Ruby, "Do I know who you are? You look familiar."

Ruby responded, saying, "I was the one who delivered the note to you. Perhaps that's where you recognize me?"

"It has to be, because I've never seen you in armor or I would have remembered you by name."

"I'll tell you my name in a moment. First, however, I have to take the required precautions that every new members have to pass to join us. Also, sorry about your head. My friend here hit everyone near her with a knockout spell without checking her surroundings first."

It was then that Kira noticed the other girl with her. The girl was Abbey, but Kira hadn't seen her or heard her name before.

Ruby continued, saying, "Well, how about I ask you those questions now. I'm sure you will feel better once you get out of there. So, first question. Are you a spy for the kingdom?"


"Will you betray us in any way if you were to join us?"


"Would you offer your life for what you believe in?"


"And finally, are you willing to join our cause?"


"That's all the questions," Ruby said. She looked to Abbey, and Abbey nodded back.

Ruby continued, saying, "So you weren't lying. I figured you weren't our enemy, but it's a precaution we have to take no matter who it is." Ruby looked to someone out of Kira's sight and said, "Anyway, let her out."

The guard that Kira hadn't previously noticed stepped into sight and unlocked the cell, the door swinging outwards. Kira got up and stepped out of the cell.

Ruby then said, "My name is Ruby, and this is Abbey," Ruby motioned to Abbey as she introduced her.

"So, welcome to the Nightshade base. We aren't as evil as we're made out to be, trust me. Follow me, we can talk as we walk."

Ruby and Abbey began to walk down the empty, plain hall, and continued to talk. Ruby said, "Normally there's more people around, but it's noon right now so everyone's busy eating in the mess hall. Eventually you'll get used to the layout here, but for now, just ask around whenever you need help. We don't print maps of the base, just to be safe."

Ruby lifted her hand to reveal a key. It was plain, and looked like any average house key. She said, "This is the key to your room. It will automatically arrange the room to look like you want it to. You don't have to do anything, it will decide for you based on your preferences. The key will disappear when you first use it, but you and anyone you let in will automatically be able to enter. It will be locked to anyone else."

Kira reached out and took the key from Ruby's hand, placing it in her pocket. They walked for a few moments in silence, and then Ruby exclaimed, "We're here!" She stopped at a large set of black doors. It was fancily engraved with golden markings going up the sides.

Ruby joyfully said, "This is the door to the mess hall. Get ready, because you're about to meet your new comrades!"

Kira opened the door and gasped at what she saw. 

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