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  Summary: Harry decides to get Louis to tutor him so they can spend more time together

I thought I would do a fluff chapter, because literally ALL of the previous ones have drama. Hope you guys like it xx

Harry wasn't a bad student.

  In fact, he was a pretty good student. He was known to be all-rounded, and excelled in all subjects. However, he had a big football game coming up, and as the team captain, he was under a lot of stress. He practiced everyday with his team after school, then practiced by himself at home. 

  He slowly fell behind in his classes, and his mother, Anne, was getting worried. 

  "Harry, love, you have to focus on both your grades and the game," she said one day. "Your grades are worsening. You should get a tutor."

  Harry sighed. "I know, but it's hard. The game's really important and I have to practice, then I have to spend enough time with my friends, you, Gemma, and Louis."

  "Then have Louis tutor you, then!" Anne suggested. "He's very, very smart, and you'll get to spend more time with him." 

  Harry grinned at the idea. "Yeah, that's great! Thanks, Mom!"

  He quickly grabbed his phone and texted Louis: hey, can you tutor me?

  A few seconds later, Louis replied: sure :)

  Louis was probably the smartest student at school, and Harry was very proud of this fact. He was glad that Anne had came up with the idea of Louis tutoring him - ever since Harry was notified about the game, he had been spending less time with Louis, which Harry felt was a little mean. If Louis tutored him, he could kill two birds with one stone - have good grades and spend time with his dorky little boyfriend. 

  Louis waited for Harry while he did football practice with his team, then walked home with him. Louis was carrying a lot of textbooks from his locker (they decided to use Louis', because there were more notes) and his delicate frame was being crushed under the weight. 

  Harry chuckled at the sight and helped Louis carry most of the textbooks. When they got to Harry's house, Gemma was out with her friends and Anne was about to leave to go shopping.

  "Louis, thanks so much for tutoring Harry," she said as she put on her shoes.

  "It's fine, Mrs. Twist," Louis said shyly. "I'm glad to help."

  "I love you boys!" Anne said, quickly pecking both of them on the cheek. "See you later!"

    They placed the textbooks on the dining table and the tutoring began. Harry was a fast learner, but it took a long time for Louis to make sure Harry understood everything. It was pretty late and they hadn't finish going through all of the textbooks. Harry was still wide awake and ready to learn, but Louis was getting sleepy. 

  "You should go home," Harry said, noticing Louis' droopy eyelids. "It's getting late and your mom must be a little worried."

  Louis yawned. "Nah, we still have a lot to do." He rubbed his eyes and tried to look more awake, but he was still tired.

  "You sure?" 

  "Yep." Louis flipped open a giant textbook and peered at his scribbled notes. "Let's continue."

  After a while, Harry got up to go to the bathroom. When he got back, Louis was slumped over the textbook, fast asleep. Harry laughed very quietly and gently picked Louis up in his arms, bridal-style, then carried Louis up to Harry's bedroom. He placed Louis on his bed and tucked him in, then went downstairs to tidy up Louis' books and things.

  Both Anne and Gemma had gotten home very late, way past the normal time for dinner. They expected Harry to have already eaten, but when they got home, Harry had just started dinner.

  "Has Louis gone home already?" Anne asked, placing her things on the floor. "Why didn't you eat dinner earlier?"

  "Louis fell asleep so he's sleeping in my room," Harry replied. "And I was gonna wait for you guys before eating dinner."

  When Louis woke up, he could smell food, and he realized his stomach was grumbling. When he looked around, he knew that he was in Harry's room, but he had forgotten how he got there. Then, he remembered that he had fallen asleep, and Harry must've carried him there. He check his watch, and jumped at how late it was.

  "Crap. My family must be so worried," he muttered, quickly getting out of Harry's bed and running down the stairs. Harry and his family were eating dinner in the kitchen, and his things were there. Louis ran in, grabbed his stuff, and ran out again to put on his shoes. 

  "Hey, where are you going?" Harry said, walking out of the kitchen. "And why are you in such a hurry?" 

  "It's so late, my family must be worried," Louis said as he tied his shoelaces. "I gotta go!"

  "Whoa, calm down." Harry squatted down next to Louis. "I called your mom, she knows you're here. She also said you can stay the night." 

  Louis stopped tying his laces and stood up. "Oh." He took off his shoes. "That's great! Uh, but you guys don't have an extra bed..."

  "We can share," Harry said, shrugging. He pulled Louis bag off his back. "Come on and eat dinner. I made some for you as well."

  Harry took Louis' hand and led him into the kitchen.

  After dinner, Harry and Louis curled up on Harry's bed, watching movies on Harry's laptop. It was a Friday, so they didn't have to worry about waking up early the next day.

Louis loved romcoms so Harry put some on and they watched them. Anne popped her head in at about midnight and reminded them that they should get ready for bed. Since Louis didn't have any pajamas, he borrowed some of Harry's clothes, which were way too big for him. However, Louis loved wearing Harry's clothes because they smelled just like him. Anne had put a new toothbrush in Harry's bathroom for Louis, and after they had brushed their teeth and changed into their pajamas, they curled up on the bed again and finished watching the rest of a movie.

When the movie was over, Louis was already tired.

"You get tired so easily," Harry said, closing his laptop and putting it on his desk, then crawling back onto the bed and under the covers next to Louis.

"I probably need more iron in my diet," Louis said, yawning and rubbing his eyes, then laying his head down on the pillow.

"Remind me about that, I'll cook you something with a lot of iron in it sometime." Harry lay down too and leaned over to turn off the lamp on his nightstand. "Goodnight." He pecked Louis' cheek.


  Was that fluffy enough? I honestly absolutely love the idea of a sleepy Louis, it must be the most adorable thing in the world. Tell me if you liked it and if you didn't, comment or DM me requests!

   all the love,

  the author x

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