let me take care of you pt. 1 // sick harry

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summary: harry is sick and louis takes care of him


okay. so, i looked at my other story, 'love me, please?' and i got sad because there were a lot less reads, votes and comments than this book.

so, in hopes that y'all will go read it, i have a proposition. IF you guys can get 'love me, please?' to 2.3k reads, 120 votes, and 111 comments, i'll do seven days of larry again.

seven days of larry is basically where i publish a quick oneshot every single day for seven days straight! you guys seemed to enjoy it the last time i did it so i hope this will encourage you guys to read my other book :)

'love me, please?' is basically a high school larry fic, and it's told in the point of harry where he has a huge crush on louis and is desperately trying to find some way for louis to fall in love with him :)))

hope you enjoy this!




  louis pouted. he had made breakfast (without burning the house down) for him and harry, but harry wasn't waking up.

  "hazza?" louis poked harry's chest from where he was straddling harry's waist. "wakey wakey."

  "go away, lou," harry groaned, batting away louis' hand and hiding his face in his pillow.

  "but i made breakfast! and i didn't burn the house down!"

  "go away," harry repeated.

  louis wasn't giving up and tugged the pillow away from harry's face, gasping when he saw that harry's face was flushed red and he was grimacing.

  "hazzie, are you okay?"


  louis pressed the back of his hand to harry's forehead. "damn, harold! you're hot."

  "louuuuuuuu..." harry forgot about the last few minutes where he'd wanted louis to go away and tugged louis down so the smaller boy was lying on harry's bare chest. harry wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and buried his head into louis' neck. "don't feel good."

  "awwww, poor hazzie." louis pressed a kiss to harry's pectoral. "i'll go get some medicine, water, and a fever relief patch for you, okay?"

  louis tried to get up, but harry refused to let his baby go and hugged louis tighter. "stay."

  "come on, hazzie, i'll only be a few minutes and you need the medicine. you want to get better, don't you?"

  "if it means you leaving, then no, i don't wanna get better." harry snuggled deeper into the crook of louis' neck, making louis giggle at the ticklish feeling.

  "i forgot how clingy you get when you're sick," louis said. "well, of course you're always so clingy, but you're extra clingy when you're sick."

  "what are you talking about?" harry mumbled. "i'm not clingy. i just love you."

  "mhmm. you're clingy, harold. now let me go, you need to take some medicine."

  harry kept protesting but louis managed to distangle himself from the taller boy's arms and disappeared downstairs. when he returned a few minutes later, harry was sitting up with his arms folded and a pout on his face.

  louis cooed internally. everyone thought that harry was a big, buff macho man but in reality he was just a sappy little dork, especially when he was sick - he went from his normal protective and possessive state to a soft little baby. 

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