under your bed in new york.

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this time's update is going to be a little different... instead of publishing my usual 1k-2k word chapter, i've written a full-on 30k word story!

it's called "under your bed in new york." and it's basically your classic breakup fanfic. i've already completed the story and i will be publishing a chapter a day, starting from today, and the prologue is already out!

here's the story summary: au; three years later, a hangover, a cup of coffee and bumping into an ex might be all louis needs to find love again

i spent a little over 3 weeks writing this in between updates for this book and "love me, please?' so i really hope you'll go check it out! it's a book by itself, so you'll find it if you click into my profile and look at my works. hope you'll enjoy it!

all the love,

the author .x

here's the prologue:


It was 11:42pm when Louis had had enough.

He'd had enough of dealing with a drunkard boyfriend, he'd had enough of all the fighting, he'd had enough of trying to convince himself that as long as he loved Harry, everything would be okay.

He'd had enough of it all.

He stormed into their bedroom and grabbed his valuables, scanning the room to try to figure out what was important to him and what's wasn't. It took less than twenty minutes to haphazardly throw together a bag filled with his most important possessions, along with a few of his favorite items of clothing. There wasn't enough space in his bag to hold all of his belongings, and it would take hours to figure out what belonged to him and what belonged to Harry, a stinging reminder of how much his and Harry's lives had morphed together, and how Louis was about to leave it all.

He was leaving behind so many of his clothes and books, but Louis couldn't bring himself to care. He could come back later to get them back, or he could send one of his friends over to get them back, or maybe Harry could mail them back to him. Or maybe Harry wouldn't. Louis honestly didn't care at this point.

He hoped he had enough money in his wallet to pay for a cab and some food, and maybe a new jacket. His old one had holes in it and wasn't very good at blocking out the cold - he'd been meaning to go to the mall with Harry that weekend to get himself a new jacket, but he'd have to go by himself now. To compensate for the crappy jacket, he threw on as many warm clothes as he could.

As Louis slung his bag over his shoulder and headed for the front door, trying not to step on the ceramic shards that lay on the floor, Harry didn't try to stop him. Maybe he'd been expecting Louis to leave, maybe he didn't care that Louis was leaving, or maybe he was too drunk off his ass to notice what Louis was doing. Louis laughed a little at his own idiocy. He had hoped that maybe at the very end, Harry would change his ways and revert back to the sweet, caring lover he'd been at the beginning. But he was just sitting on the couch where Louis had left him, staring at the television blankly, not even sparing Louis a glance, a far cry from the boy Louis used to know.

It was 12:01pm when Louis left.

He scoffed at the symbolicalness of the situation. Here he was leaving his home and the love of his life at the brink of a new day, off to embark on a new stage of his life. It was the kind of thing Harry would have tried to commemorate by snapping dozens of pictures with his camera. And after he had taken the photos, he would have shown it to Louis and Louis would have gushed about his boyfriend's photographic talent and tell Harry how much he loved him.

Louis forced the thought of Harry and his photos out of his mind, and stepped towards the road, teeth chattering as he tried to hail a cab. The cabbie didn't question his overstuffed bag and his odd outfit, and neither did Louis' mother when she answered the door dressed hastily in a purple dressing gown with sleep-ridden eyes. Jay didn't question anything at all, simply giving Louis a hug and letting him in, offering to make him a cup of tea and nodding understandably when Louis refused. She turned on the heater in his room and went back to bed, leaving Louis in the state that he desperately needed to be - alone.

And there, curled up in his childhood room, Louis finally let the dam break. Hot tears flowed silently down his flushed cheeks, and were wiped away by cold, mittened hands.

He'd always consider Harry the love of his life, but Louis had once considered Harry to be his future. Someone to be engaged to. Someone to marry. Someone to grow old with. Louis had once considered those things as not just a possibility, but something he was sure about, and he knew Harry had been sure about it too. During all of the turbulent times in Louis' life, when he'd navigated leaving his family, not being able to afford rent, and being jobless for his first few months after graduating, Harry had been the one sure thing in his life. He'd been Louis' rock, always there for Louis to lean on, always there for Louis to rant to, always there for Louis to cry on when things got too much. He was the person Louis could always depend on, the one that Louis whispered his secrets and fears to at night.

And then the drinking started.

Louis didn't really notice it at first. And if he did, he didn't really care. Drinking was normal. He and all of his friends did it, so what was wrong with Harry drinking too? Granted, Harry had always shied away from alcohol before, but Louis just took it as Harry finally getting over his dislike of drinking and realizing that getting drunk once in a while wasn't the worst thing in the world. Then Louis heard from Niall that Harry was facing a lot of pressure at the restaurant where he worked, The Lonely Fish, after a famous critic had given them a bad review, so Louis understood that Harry was turning to alcohol as a catharsis.

But the drinking got worse. Harry was spending nearly every single night at the bar, getting drunk with the boys, and staggering home at ungodly hours in the morning. When Louis expressed his worry for Harry's health, Harry snapped at him, and the fighting began. They'd have screaming matches every time Harry would come home drunk, and Louis was called every name imaginable and every part of him was called out and insulted. It wasn't a one-sided fight, though - Harry's words set off Louis' fiery temper and he screamed back just as much insults as Harry would throw at him. The fighting even continued when Harry was sober, and it was getting too much for Louis to take. Not only was the fighting horrible, but Louis loved Harry too much to watch Harry destroy himself with drinking.

Before Louis had left, they'd gotten into another fight. Louis had begged Harry not to go drinking that night, and stay home so they could talk. But Harry had gone anyway and when he'd come back stumbling his steps, one muttered comment from Louis had set him off and they had one of their worst fights, culminating in Harry smashing a vase and Louis screaming, "I hate you! I've had enough! I'm leaving!"

It was 12:38pm when Louis finally let the sadness take over, but he'd already forgotten what it felt like to be happy for a long time.

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