puppy pt. 1

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summary: harry and louis adopt a puppy

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 150K (NOW ITS 160K WHATTT) READS! it seems so unreal that so many people have read my stories, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH

also sorry this update was late, i had a lot of schoolwork to do and i was busy writing 'love me, please?'

just a heads up, i don't know much about adopting a pet/taking care of one because i don't have any pets and i'm too lazy to research, i hope you still enjoy this though!

"Harry." Louis was currently sitting on Harry's lap, tugging gently on Harry's curls to get his attention.



"Yes?" Harry stopped watching the television and turned his attention to Louis.

"Can we go to the adoption center tomorrow?" 

Harry let out a small laugh. "Eager to adopt a puppy, are we?"

Louis huffed. "Don't act like you aren't."

"Well, of course I'm excited about a puppy! Just not as excited as you are." Harry pressed a kiss to Louis' temple. "Yeah, we can go tomorrow and go take a look at the pups."

After several years of dating, Louis and Harry had decided it was time for them to get a pet together. Louis insisted on adopting a puppy and Harry loved the idea - even though he used to have a cat, Dusty, he loved dogs too and he knew Louis was crazy about dogs. 

"Good!" Louis kissed Harry's cheek and slumped back against his body happily. "Just imagine, tomorrow at this time we might have a puppy!"

"Yeah, well, maybe not tomorrow. We're going to take care of this pup for the next ten years, we should pick carefully."

Louis pouted. "Hmph. Fine. But tomorrow I'm playing with all of the puppies and you can't stop me."

"Whatever you say, boo."

Later that night, Louis had fallen asleep in Harry's lap while before the movie had ended, and Harry didn't have the heart to wake Louis up. Louis always got grumpy when he was woken up, and even though grumpy Louis was absolutely adorable, Harry decided to just let Louis sleep. He shut the television off and carefully carried his tiny boyfriend up to their room, where Harry gently tucked Louis into the bed and crawled in next to him. 

Harry lay in bed and stared at Louis' sleeping face for a while. Harry himself was very excited for the puppy too, but the way Louis got all eager and smiley and happy whenever he talked about the puppy made Harry glad they'd agreed to get a pet. All Harry wanted was for Louis to be happy.

The next morning, Harry woke up to two tiny hands whacking his face. He groaned, trying to swat them away.

"Harry! Wake up!" The tiny hands were relentless and patted Harry's cheeks. "Waaakkeee upp!"

"Louis... go away."

"No can do, Haribo. Wakey wakey! I wanna go to the adoption center and look at the puppies!"

Harry's eyes fluttered open and focused on Louis, who was straddling Harry's hips. "Good morning, beautiful."

Louis blushed slightly. "Morning. Can we go now?"

Harry yawned and sat up slowly, dragging Louis' body up along with his own. "The adoption center doesn't open for another hour and a half, Lou."

"But... puppies?" Louis gave Harry his best puppy eyes, which melted Harry's heart, but didn't change the fact that the adoption center wasn't even open.

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