i'll protect you for all my life and more

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prompt: where harry will protect louis from anything. literally anything.

like i did with 'valentine's', i'm going to be putting a short fluff chappie in between each chapter of 'do i know you?'

we reached 20.5k reads! thank you so much!!!! it means the world to me .xxx

  Harry wasn't an extremely possessive and protective boyfriend.


  Definitely not.

  Okay, okay, fine. He'll admit it.

  He was an extremely possessive and protective boyfriend.

  But you couldn't blame him, could you? He was dating Louis, the most beautiful, and delicate boy in the world. What was he supposed to do, not be the most possessive and protective boyfriend in the world?

  So, sue him. He wanted to protect his baby. What was so wrong with that?

  Especially since Louis was just like a little baby, all soft and tiny and delicate and made to be loved. Harry wasn't about to let anyone - or anything - hurt him.  

  "Wakey wakey!"

  Harry groaned and tried to push away the little hands tickling his torso. "Go away, Lou. And I'm not ticklish."

  His eyes were still closed, but he could see the pout on Louis' face. "Wake up. I made breakfast!"

  The mention of food made his stomach grumble. "Okay, okay, I'm getting up." Harry opened his eyes, revealing a very adorable-looking Louis leaning over him, his hair all fluffy and stuck up in different directions.

  "Good morning," Harry yawned, sitting up so that he and Louis were face-to-face. 

  " 'Morning." Louis smiled brightly.

  "Thank you for making breakfast, boo," Harry said, pecking Louis' nose.

  Louis wrinkled his nose at the wetness. "Mm. Come on, I'm hungry."

  "Okay, bug." Harry started to get out of bed, but stopped once he noticed something on Louis' hand. 

  "Why do you have a bandage on?" Harry demanded.

  "Hm?" Louis looked confused, before remembering and looking down at his hand. "Oh, this thing."

  "Why do you have it on?" Harry repeated.

  "Just cut myself with a knife, on accident," Louis explained, shrugging his shoulders. "No biggie."

  "No biggie?!" Harry almost screeched. "You got cut! By a knife! You're no longer allowed to use a knife!" He (gently) grabbed Louis' injured hand and examined it. "Are you okay? How much blood did you lose? Has the bleeding stopped? Have you cleaned it? Have you -"

  "Hazzie," Louis protested sweetly. "I'm okay. I lost like two drops of blood, the bleeding's stopped, and I've cleaned it."

  "TWO DROPS???!!!" Harry yelled. "That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital!"

  "Hazzie!" Louis protested again. "Two drops is so little! If you lost two drops, would you go to the hospital?"

  "No, but I'm me and you're you. You're so delicate, losing two drops of blood is extremely risky, you're gonna get really weak and we need to get you to the hospital -" Harry rambled with worry, hoping that he could drive fast enough to the A&E.

  There was a soft giggle from Louis, which made Harry stop.

  "Haribo, two drops of blood is fine. I would know, I got an A for biology." Louis patted Harry's curls. "And I don't have an illness that makes two drops of blood dangerous. I'm okay, Hazzie. Now can we go eat breakfast?"

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