sing me to sleep

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Summary: Harry can't sleep so Louis sings him to sleep

this is a request for @that_reader_1o1 (i know you originally requested louis to play the piano, but i thought it would be illogical if there was a piano in their room or if harry was sleeping next to a piano, so i changed it to singing. hope you don't mind)

i'm really sorry i've been absent for a long time, i had writer's block and then i had to go on a school trip that didn't let me use my phone. 

about fizzy, i don't want to talk too much because i've already done that on instagram and i don't want to make any other people feel sad. i just want to say that she is a beautiful angel, and i hope she will rest in peace with her mother.




  Louis stood up from his seat on the kitchen counter, slightly irritated that Harry hadn't responded. Their apartment wasn't big, and Louis knew Harry could hear him.

  Louis stomped to Harry's 'office' - the spare room which had been converted into Harry's workspace. Albeit small and cramped, it was where Harry spent a lot of his time. Louis respected that Harry needed to work, but Harry had been spending an awful lot of time in his study instead of with Louis lately.

  "Harry?" Louis knocked on the door. When there was no reply, he knocked again. "Harry."

  He heard a sigh, and then Harry said. "Yes?"

  "Can I come in?" Louis asked.

  Pause. "Uh, okay."

  Louis opened the door and stepped in, revealing a very tired-looking Harry. "Are you okay?"

  Harry groaned in frustration. "I'm not, Louis. Go away."

  Louis tried not to be hurt at Harry's words, knowing that there was probably something going on at work, and he shouldn't take it personally.

  "Harry, love, dinner's ready," Louis told him. "How about we eat first, then you can go back to your work?"

  Harry was silent for a few seconds, considering Louis' offer. Then he stood up from his chair. "Okay," he sighed.

  They walked towards the kitchen, Louis handing Harry a plate of pasta. They sat down at their dining table and ate in silence, Louis watching Harry cautiously.

  Eventually, Louis couldn't stand the silence anymore. "You okay, Hazzie?" he asked.

  Harry glanced up briefly from his plate. "I don't want to talk right now."

  "If you tell me, it might make you feel better," Louis coaxed. "And we always share what's going on, right?"

  Harry was silent again. Finally, he said, "My boss is mad at me for hiring an intern who hasn't been showing up to work for the past four weeks. He's been yelling at me and he's making me do all of the intern's work for him."

  "Aww, poor you," Louis said sympathetically. He reached over the dining table and held Harry's hand. "I'm so sorry, Hazzie. Is there anything I can do to help? I'm free this evening, I can help you with the intern's work -"

  "You don't have to do anything," Harry interrupted, switching the position of their hands so that his was on top, as usual. "Just be there for me, please?"

  "Of course," Louis beamed, glad that Harry wasn't being hostile with him anymore. They finished their dinner, still in silence, but no longer with tension lingering in the air. 

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