cuddles and kisses

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   Summary: Louis and Harry are in bed, cuddling and kissing each other

FLUFF! YAY! It's going to be the shortest one I've every written, though. Hope you guys like it x

 Harry had had a long, stressful week at work, so he was glad when the weekend came. He decided to spend the entire time at home with Louis, the love of his life. 

  So they lay there in bed during Saturday morning, Louis still asleep, but Harry awake. Harry slid his hand under Louis' shirt and ran a finger up and down his stomach. 

  "Mmmmm." Louis tried to push Harry's hand away, but Harry kept doing it, watching as Louis' eyes fluttered open.

  "Stop it," Louis said, giggling.

  "I'm not going to stop unless you give me a kiss," Harry said, smiling fondly at Louis' adorableness. 

  Louis turned around and pecked Harry's lips gently. "More," Harry demanded. Louis felt his cheeks start to heat up as he planted another kiss, longer this time, on Harry's lips. When they finished, Louis was blushing hard and buried his head into Harry's neck. "Don't hide your cute little face, sweetie," Harry said, which made Louis blush even more and bury his head deeper into Harry's neck. 

  Harry got up and straddled Louis, then proceeded to plant kisses all over Louis' face, making Louis giggle again. "You're so cute and sweet," Harry said between each kiss. "My precious little baby."

  When Harry was done bombarding Louis' face with kisses, he lay down next to Louis again and kissed Louis behind the ear. "I love you," he murmured. Louis turned around so they were facing each other. "I love you too," he said, smiling. 

  "Kiss?" Harry asked hopefully. 

  "Not until you catch me!" Louis leapt out of bed and ran away, laughing. Harry jumped up and quickly caught him, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy and pulling them back to bed. 

  "Caught you," Harry whispered into Louis' ear. "Can I get my kiss now?"

  Louis pouted. "It's not fun when you catch me so fast." 

  "Yes, it is fun because I can get my kiss," Harry said, running his hands up and down Louis' stomach. He kissed Louis' pout and Louis smiled again. "I love you," Harry said.

  "I love you more," Louis said affectionately. 

  Harry laughed and kissed Louis' forehead. "And I love you most."

  I've seen so many stories end with the 'I love you more' fight, so I had to try it out :)

  all the love,

 the author x

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