cuddle bug

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Summary: in which Louis is Harry's cuddle bug

so this will be rather short, i'm currently working on a request from @louiswtbears but i thought of this in my head and i wanted to write it. it's just a bit of fluffiness so i hope you guys enjoy this! .x 

  Harry liked to make lists.

  It made him feel more organized, and he liked structure. He made lots and lots of lists, and on top of every to-do list he made in the morning were the two words cuddle and Louis

  Of course, the name Louis showed up a lot in Harry's list. tickle Louis. kiss Louis. cook for Louis. make Louis smile. love Louis.

  Cuddling was one of Harry's and Louis' traditions. They didn't go a day without doing it and Harry had fondly nicknamed Louis his 'cuddle bug' because Louis was always so warm and snuggly and cuddly and ready to cuddle on the couch for hours.

  Harry came home after a long day from work and he was aching for a cuddle. He opened the door to their house, took off his shoes, and placed his things on the counter.

  Louis poked his head out of the kitchen, fringe falling into his eyes cutely. "Hey."

  "Hey, bug," Harry said, yawning. "Whatcha doing?"

  "Making dinner," Louis said, returning to the kitchen. "I'm nearly done."

  "Oh, good." Harry walked into the kitchen and hugged Louis from behind, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I'll go change into something more comfortable and I'll help you set the table, okay?"

  "Yep." Louis turned around and pecked Harry on the lips. "Love you."

  Harry untangled himself from Louis and headed to their bedroom, changing into a hoodie and sweatpants, then headed to the dining room to set the table.

  As they ate, they shared the things that had happened in their day.

  "I'm so tired, I need cuddles," Harry said nearing the end of dinner. "I need my little cuddle bug."

  "Cuddles," Louis agreed. "Movie, too?"

  "Sounds great." Harry grinned. "How about you choose a movie and I'll wash the dishes?"

  Louis frowned. "No, I can wash the dishes, you're tired today -"

  "Nope," Harry interrupted. "You made dinner and you deserve a break."

  Louis pouted but he knew that Harry wasn't about to give in, so he agreed reluctantly. Harry picked up their dishes and brought them to the kitchen while Louis opened their movie drawer and started flicking through the movies.

  When Harry came out, Louis was sitting on the floor, a conflicted look on his face. He was holding two DVDs in his hands and frowning. Harry chuckled. "Can't decide?"

  Louis looked up at him, and held up the two DVDs. "Which one do you want?"

  Harry laughed, seeing Louis' movie choices. "Lion King and Sleeping Beauty?"

  Louis pouted cutely. "Hazzie," he whined.

  "Okay, okay, my little Disney lover," Harry said. "Sleeping Beauty."

  Louis popped the disc into the DVD player and then padded over to the couch where Harry was already sitting. Harry had turned off most of the lights in the house for a better environment and he opened his arms, motioning for Louis to sit on his lap.

  Louis plopped himself onto Harry's lap and made himself comfortable, curling up into a little ball and tucking his head underneath Harry's chin. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and sighed contentedly as the movie started playing.

  Halfway through, both Louis and Harry were getting sleepy, so Harry turned off the television and carried Louis up to their bedroom. He set Louis down on the bed and went off to turn off the lights in the house, then returned to crawl into bed next to Louis.

  Louis immediately held out his arms and made grabby hands. "Cuddle."

  Harry smiled fondly and pulled Louis close, wrapping his arms around Louis' torso and tucking his chin over Louis' soft, feathery hair.

  They both closed their eyes, although they weren't falling asleep. Harry was absentmindedly drawing shapes on Louis' sides when an idea popped up in his head. He carefully stuck his hand underneath Louis' shirt and gently ran his hand up and down Louis' sides.

  Louis squealed and freed himself from Harry's grip, but Harry immediately pulled him back and whispered into Louis' ear, "Where do you think you're going?"

  "Away from your tickles," Louis said, wriggling around as he tried to escape.

  "Noooooo, you're my cuddle bug and you're going to give me cuddles," Harry demanded, but he gently started tickling Louis again.

  Louis tried desperately to push Harry's hands away. "Noooooo, stop!" he giggled, rolling and squirming around in Harry's arms.

  "Can't help it, you're soooooo cute," Harry said, laughing. 

  "Noooo, you're a big meanie," Louis whined, giggling hard. Harry pouted at the name and stopped, returning his arms around Louis' waist and cuddling him close.

  "I'm not a big meanie," Harry said.

  "You are," Louis affirmed, although he was probably going to get punished for that.

  "I'm not! Say I'm not a big meanie!" Harry started tickling Louis and Louis squealed. 

  "Y-you're not a big meanie!" Louis squeaked out, writhing around and then sighing in relief when Harry stopped tickling.

  "That sounds more like it," Harry said, cuddling Louis. Louis pouted, but he snuggled up to Harry's chest.

  "Nighty night, Haribo."

  "Night, cuddle bug."

that was really short but i hope you liked it! tell me if you did or if you didn't. vote, comment and request! 

  all the love,

  the author .x

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