Chapter 1: Stranger In The House

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"She came out of nowhere, I promise you," Marco hissed.

"It's like she just wandered in here. I didn't see any parents. Heck, I didn't even see any bags." Ferguson stuffed some French fries into his mouth and shrugged.

"...You think she's running away from something?" Alfonzo said nervously.

"Shhh!" Marco waved his hands in panic. "She might hear you!" He discreetly pointed across the cafeteria to a girl with choppy blonde hair and old looking clothes.

All pairs of eyes were on her, all shamelessly staring. She didn't care. She was used to it.

She sat on the furthest table, in a corner, all alone. Marco glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and saw she was merely picking at her food. Her eyes stayed glued to her lap, and he could tell she wanted to cry.

But she couldn't.

The meatloaf tasted like an old boot, and she was too sad for tears. It was better to not feel at all. But on the dim side, she could start over here in quiet Echo Creek. Again.

"Go talk to her," Ferguson suggested as he noticed Marco's uneasy staring.

"Are you crazy?!" Marco snapped out of it and hissed. "I'm not talking to her. What if she kills me?"

"Then I'll write you an obituary," Alfonzo offered.

Marco rolled his eyes. "You guys are so supportive."

"This could change our lives, bro." Ferguson nodded importantly, eyes wide. "She looks like she needs a friend."

Marco glanced back at her and had the realization that Ferguson was right.

"...But what if she doesn't want friends? What if I just embarrass myself?"

"Who doesn't want friends?" Ferguson couldn't believe it. "Everyone needs one, whether they want one or not." He waved a fish finger to emphasize his point.

Marco frowned and looked back at the girl. She was looking up now, and for a split second, straight at him. It gave Marco a chill before he turned back around.

"There's no way in hell." He shook his head.

"I can't believe you're still afraid of girls," Ferguson tutted.

"I'm not afraid of girls." Marco rolled his eyes. "Just...that one," he whispered, his eyes darted in her direction.

"Then face your fear, Safe Kid." Ferguson smirked, and Alfonzo agreed. "Go, or we'll never let you live it down."

Marco groaned and reluctantly trudged over to her table. She didn't acknowledge him at first, but soon his shadow was bothering her. She looked up with hollow blue eyes and gave him an expressionless look, hardly blinking.

"Um...hey." Marco shrugged awkwardly. "I'm Marco."

She didn't respond. She simply stared back at him, her face now fixed in a slight frown.

"...Uh huh." Marco coughed awkwardly, glancing away. This wasn't going well. "...You don't talk much, do you?"

She didn't say anything again. She glanced at something behind him, and then looked back at him. Marco was about to say something else, when she abruptly stood up, took her barely touched food tray and walked past him, out of the cafeteria.

Marco stood there for a few seconds, trying to process what had happened, before turning away to collective stares. He shuddered and quickly scuttled back to his table.

"I hate you guys." He glared at his laughing friends. "That was the worst thing I've ever done."

"What did she say?" Alfonzo asked eagerly. "It can't have been that bad since you're still alive"

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