Chapter 5: The Circus Witch

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Star walked back into the street licking a strawberry flavored ice cream cone.

She wondered where she should go. She did not want to go back to the Diaz's house. She had already been to the ice cream shop. School was absolutely out of the question, and frankly a very desperate resort. So she went to the park.

She swung on the swings for a little while, until she had finished the ice cream, before looking back at the woods. Into the woods, she told herself. Star strolled in, not aiming to find herself anywhere, but just to take a pleasant walk through the trees. But after twenty minutes of walking, when she should have gotten to the other side, she heard laughter and music.

Star looked around and spotted blue and purple lights. She approached with caution and discovered she was in the middle of a traveling show's camping grounds.

"Hey! You there!" A small but muscular man with blond hairy arms and a long blond beard pointed at Star. "What do you think you're doing here?"

Star blinked but didn't respond.

"Answer me!"

She still didn't say a word, and just stared.

"You are unauthorized to be here!" he bellowed, stomped over to lift and carry Star over his shoulder. Star was mortified and beat against his back.

"Put me down!" she yelled.

The man chuckled and held her tighter. "Not a chance, sunshine. You're off to see the boss, now."

Star pouted but waited until they reached the 'boss's' tent. It was royal blue, with lots of tassels around the edges. Star cringed as she was put down and shoved inside.

"...Hello, intruder," a confident voice said. Star couldn't see anyone and wondered if she had finally reached that level of insanity that she was hearing voices. "How did you find us?"

Star jumped as she felt the presence of someone behind her. She turned around and looked up at a beautiful woman in an old-fashioned can-can dress. Her hair fell gently all the way down to her ankles, and her face was without makeup. She's probably just getting ready, Star realized.

"How did you find us?" she repeated.

"...Accident" Star shrugged.

"Just walking through the woods, hmm?" The woman frowned. "...Did anyone follow you?"

"No," Star lied, knowing full well that Marco would soon be on her case.

The woman glared down at her. Then she gripped her by the shoulders and lowered her voice. "...I can tell you are lying, little girl. I can read minds. Who is this Marco?"

Star stared blankly at her.

"A friend" the woman murmured, raising an eyebrow. Then a sly smile stretched across her lips. "...You like him ~"

"No!" Star jerked away, holding her hands to her ears. "Stop reading!"

The woman paused, before putting a hand on Star's shoulder.

"I don't read minds because I want to hear all of your problems," she whispered. "I read minds to help people. I can tell there are things you are hiding from me —something you don't want me to find out; that you don't want anyone to find out...No human can do that."

Star tensed but kept quiet.

"I'm just asking...what are you?" The woman narrowed her eyes at Star's markings on her cheeks. "And with these interesting marks on your cheeks —"

Star looked down before she slapped the woman's hand away.

"Human. Those are...birthmarks," Star mumbled. "If you can't read me, maybe you suck at your job."

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