Teaser ~ What Did It Cost?

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This book was entirely pre-written from December 23rd - January 4th, 2019. Please forgive the cringe that is my writing.


These walls have never known happiness, a place where damned souls come to rot and where children wail never is. I don't have the heart to tell them that they're not the first and that they most certainly won't be the last.

Though they've lasted longer than the others and the thought sends shivers down my spine, courses through my bones and drives away the aching cold that I've grown to know these last decades as I locked myself away from the rest of the world, working tirelessly to crack the Barrier that damned the rest of monsterkind to forever fester and rot in the dark and the cold.

How did you open a door when you didn't have a key?

You tricked the lock.

Two artificially grown skeletons had proved to be the fruit of my efforts, the final product from years and years of constant research and dedication to one cause, one goal. I glanced down at my shaking hands, analyzing the two holes that had been so delicately carved into the marrow of my limbs. It was ironic in a sense. By committing myself to these experiments I was sacrificing a part of myself along with it.

I gazed through the window as the two... subjects played, fascinating themselves with a single paper airplane that they directed through the air with the magic that coursed through their veins. Though it wasn't surprising. Those of the skeleton species had always been affluent in wielding magic and strong were these two in it as well, able to commit such feats that would have left other monsters gasping for breath.

And for a moment I was back on the battlefield, where the world of the surface was at war as both humans and monsters tore themselves apart, fighting to stay alive. I remembered being on the front lines, watching as my fellow kin were slaughtered by the might of the humans, the massacre so brutal and intense that the entire ground was covered so deep in dust you though that it might have snowed.

Here these two skeletons were, not knowing that they were part of the last of the dying race. I wondered if they would have liked my house back in Snowdin and I even considered taking them there. I had two extra rooms that had never known before the presence of company and the days did often grow long and quiet.

But I had delayed too long.

These weren't children, I reminded myself. They weren't even supposed to be sentient. I had specifically accelerated their growth so that they wouldn't look such a way, and yet they babbled and mimicked as a toddler might. But that did not matter whether they could talk or not, there was still a greater task, a greater purpose at hand.

Though It would make the job much harder than I had anticipated.

I walked to the edge of the room, my hand clasped on the door knob. I did not know why I was wearing gloves or why I had put them on in the first place. Perhaps it was to cover up the two holes on my hands, where I had extracted the DNA samples from myself to create the two subjects that played in the room adjacent to this one, to make me forget that in a way... that in a way these two were my -

I must have been gripping the brass knob a little too tight for the metal had begun to crack at the surface. The notion caught me by surprise.

In fact, everything leading up to this moment had caught me completely unawares. Throughout these trials I had learned to distance myself from the subjects that were produced from the fruits of my labours, from the dozens upon dozens of skeletons that I had in vain created, nurtured in hopes that they might live only for them to die on a cold metal table a few hours later...

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