1. Torture Isn't Fun

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Quick note: This book was entirely pre-written from around December 23rd to January 4th of 2019, meaning I had to write about one or two three thousand word chapters once a day which effectively killed my wrist. I know I don't really ask and it's probably a huge bother, but it would mean the world to me if you could leave a vote!

Entry 1

I believe that they sense I am growing desperate. Admittedly they would not be wrong, the king and the people of the Underground have been waiting for me to come forth with something, anything to free them from this world. I am not a miracle worker, I cannot end our problems with the snap of my fingers.

Though I feel we do need a miracle, even if such things are the work of fiction. The lights flicker even if I wish to not see such a thing, evidence that our attempts to colonise and fix a permanent life in the Underground will never happen. So perhaps I have been growing desperate.

The human's soul is too strong to be contained in either 1-S or 2-P, more alterations will have to be done in the future in order to ensure that they can contain the soul when I present them to the Barrier. And if the human soul is rejected still, than I fear the only stars we shall see will be the gemstones that glimmer in the dying light of Waterfall.

On another note, 1-S and 2-P began to make developments in their communication skills. They pass the time by conversing in incoherent babble, though it seems that they understand what is being spoken for they both speak in similar manners. They've even tried talking with the human that shares their cell, but the human refuses contact. I do not blame the human, it is illogical to get attached to objects that could break at the slightest touch. Experience has taught them to keep distant.

I write this down now because 1-S was able to string together a coherent sentence, suggesting that he and possibly his broth-

- his counterpart are capable of thought, of processing information and formulating their own ideas. How will they react as their development progresses? I've already shattered their world the second the plates were drilled into their hands, ripped away their only fabric of reality right from underneath their feet. I dread to think of what they will begin to use as an explanation for this, experiments are always much better when the test subjects aren't resistant. It's why humans use monkeys and mice, at least they did on the days of the Surface.

In other circumstances, perhaps this would be an ideal situation, the ability to create a living organism that was capable of consciousness as any regular being was. 1-S promised great potential of intellect, I even suppose he might have been a wonderful assistant should the circumstances have been different. But the two of them are vessels that have no other purpose than hosting a human soul to break the Barrier and save the rest of monsterkind. If it meant that a few had to suffer so that the rest of the Underground could go free, than that was a price I was willing to pay.

I only hope that when the generations of the future write about monsterkind and all that was done here, there might be some ounce of forgiveness.


You trailed your fingers against the cold and indifferent wall of your underground prison, feeling the intimate cracks and crevices that constructed the wall and had formed after years of neglect and abandonment. You supposed you liked the walls this way, with their own personal markings and distinguishing that made them different from every other wall in existence. No other green wall would have a crack at the corner for the second tile that was no wider than a hair. Sure, there might be a lot of walls with the same crack, but each crack was always going to be different in one wag or the other.

Some might have thought you to be mad for noticing these things, for paying so much attention to how a wall looked rather than obsessing yourself with the trivial passings of the world, wrapped yourself up in drama just as every other monster or human would have done had they been your age. Then again, you weren't really sure how old you were. It wasn't like you got to celebrate your birthday when you were locked away from the rest of society, no trace of your existence anywhere except for the laboratory that was your only home. The thought that you could live and die without anyone having the faintest idea of the struggles you had endured was enough to chill your blood to ice.

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