5. Forwards But Never Gaining

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Entry 2

I knew this day was coming.

It's always been coming from the day I grafted these two from the marrow of my hands, the day that they first showed signs of life within the sterilised tubes they were grown inside of, the day I strapped them down to a table and drilled a metal plate into their hands, when the first of many agonised screams would echo from these walls.

I don't know why it bothers me so much, the thought of completing what I've been working on for so long. Perhaps it's because I never thought that this day would arrive, convinced that these experiments were doomed to be a failure as I waded through the dust of the creations that I had birthed, the last few remnants of the skeleton species that were damned to rot inside these green walls.

Perhaps it was because I was excited, marvelling at the thought that unlike those before them, these two subjects had lasted the longest, had not withered into dust unlike their predecessors. A part of me, no matter how much I wish to deny it, had wished to take these two home, to simply kill the human and forget about these experiments I had forsaken myself to, to show the two of them the Underground and the world they had never known and never would.

But that future was gone, buried underneath the screams and betrayal that had come from the day I had plugged the drill into the outlet, connected it with the marrow in their hands, their screams joining together in a chorus that never truly end. I should have known that, I should have accepted the fact that fantasies such as that were only for the weak-minded, for those that put their own selfish needs in front of the needs of others.

What I was doing, no matter how much I was troubled or mourned for the things I had done, it was inconsequential for what all of monsterkind was suffering, rotting in this dark world and would continue to do so for the rest of their lives if I did not continue with this experiment. My sufferings, their pains, it was necessary if there was any hope for a better future.

2-P was complete, or at least as ready as he would ever be. I did not want to imagine how his sibling will react upon seeing him, an emotionless and hollow vessel compared to the once vibrant youth that he had been. It is also admittedly curious to see how 1-S will function now without his brother. He lacks in the deflect to glow, a characteristic of the skeleton species in which we illuminate a part of our body - mainly focused in the eyes - to release a build-up of emotions. This defect was subdued in the fact that both 2-P and 1-S were able to join together and combine their abilities, to both release their emotions at once.

But given that 2-P has no soul, no way to harness the magic locked away inside his bones, I fear that there will be some consequences for 1-S without a way for him to glow and release the build-up of thought inside his mind. And with the world he lives in, one where there is no outlet of safety, I wonder how that will play upon his mental stability.

While curious, it is nothing I can trouble myself on. I am convinced now that 2-P will be the vessel required to absorb the human's soul and present it to the Barrier as the final human soul needed to break the Barrier and free all of monsterkind. The main challenge now is being able to adapt and change the human's soul so that it can be contained within a monster's vessel without shattering. While 2-P now has the structural capacity to maintain holding a human's soul, the soul by itself needs to be able to survive outside the human in a foreign place. I have a theory that increasing the levels of determination will allow it to persist outside of the body itself long enough so that I can present 2-P to the Barrier along with the other human souls.

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