13. The Pin Drops

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You woke with a start, pulling from the land of dreams to once more be encompassed in the world of the living, or were you really just waking up from one life to live out the next? You weren't really sure what was going through your mind, why you had awoken in such a frenzy and such a panic, for already the plot of your strange dream was beginning to fade from your mind, existing once and never to be remembered again.

You looked around your cold green catacomb, the tiled prison with the cracks in the wall that you had lived inside your entire life. You liked the cracks in the wall, the way that they seemed to symbolise that nothing was infallible, that even the strongest and tallest of giants could eventually wither into ash and dust. There was so sign of the voice that had just spoken and you dismissed it as a part of your waking dream.

In the corner of the cell, there lay two skeletons, two skeletons whom you had allowed into your mind and heart, saw them now as living creatures than objects. And for that you were determined to protect them, even if it cost your life, for you were quite certain that you could not handle losing another close to you.

You inched closer to the two skeletons who unlike you, were still lost within their dreams. The strange feelings from your fading dream had not yet worn off and you looked at these two skeletons with a strange taste in your mouth, some strange emotion (was it guilt?) as you looked upon them. Though you could have sworn that you had only seen them last night, a part of you felt as if you hadn't seen them in aeons.

Dead, a voice in your mind whispered. Nothing more than ash and dust that blew away on the passing breeze. There was so much dust that you thought it might have snowed even in Hotlands.

But then the voice in your mind faded just as your dream did, leaving behind only a conflict of confused and wondering emotions in its wake. It was strange, how you felt now, as if a part of your brain had been cut out from your mind and no matter how hard you tried to brush against the hidden memories, no matter how much you sat in this darkened cell and tried to comb the deepest depths of your mind, you could not reach these memories, you could not remember the person you had once been or might be.

Even then the feeling was familiar, this feeling of not knowing your past, of having your memories cut out of your mind like they had never been there at all. You were sure that at some time in some place, you had once walked this land, the land outside this cell, without any memory of who you had once been.

That was probably the scariest part, the way that your mind could so easily be reshaped and reformed, the way that your memories could be grafted from your mind, the way your entire life could be remolded into a different person.

But none of your temporary bout of existentialism mattered for here you were, stuck inside this underground laboratory with two skeletons that had about as much hope for escaping as you did. None at all. Maybe that was for the best, you thought. Even if you were stuck inside this tomb where the three of you would probably die before anyone in the world of monsters learned of your existences, the two skeletons were alive, the flames and whispers of life that existed in a world that was so determined to extinguish them into nothingness.

"(Y/n)?" Sans stirred from the spot where he had been sleeping, moving slightly away from his brother to get a better view of you in the dim lighting of the laboratory. You had no concept of the passing of time within these walls, but you were pretty sure it was nighttime, whenever the scientist that held the three of you prisoner decided to dim out the lights and retreat into a restless slumber. "Is that you?"

"Who else would it be?" You chuckled darkly, looking over your shoulder into the dark of the laboratory, wondering what dangers could be hidden there. You felt the hair on the back of your neck prickle as you gazed into the hearts of the shadows that circled around you, always watching, always waiting.

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