2. Mistake

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Red and gold.

You took a tentative step forward, not understanding where you were or what set of circumstances had arisen so that you would end up in such a place. The golden tiling of the hallway that you walked inside eerily reminded you of the green walls that paved the cell that you had spent your entire life in, trapped and confined as if you were nothing more than an animal. That thought sent a wave of confusion crashing through you, how could you be here? You certainly did not remember ever breaking free, nor did you think that the scientist would have just let you go on a leisurely stroll.

The golden hallway seemed older than it looked. Though there were no cracks on the walls or the tile floor as your cell did, there seemed to be an aura of age that was reminiscent within every corner of this place, suggesting that you had been here much longer than you initially were, that you had done the same thing over and over and over again...

Your head swiveled over in the direction of a child that was leaning against one of the pillars of the hallway, a crooked sneer plastered on their features. They seemed annoyed with you for some reason, and the very fact that you were spiting them sent sadistic pleasure coursing through you, but even then, you weren't sure why. What could be so bad about a human child that you would hate every ounce of their existence?

"You're very determined, aren't you?" You asked, surprised at the voice that was leaving your lips. Unlike the voice that you knew so well, this one was much older, much wiser, having seen whole worlds die and civilisations reduced to ash. But even then there seemed to be an underlying tone of hopelessness, like a part of your mind had realized that you were stuck in an endless cycle against a being with power that you could never hope to rival, forced to endure the same life over and over again...

A growl rose in the back of the child's throat as they took a step forward, brandishing the knife that was clenched within their left hand. You did not know why, but you were pretty sure that you hated that knife for reasons unknown. Whatever had been done with it, it had taken something important, something vital away from you. But all the while you were nothing more than a third-hand observer in the progress of things, not able to do anything to interfere.

"Blood traitor," the human spat at your feet, hatred in their gaze. "How can you defend them, these pests that live in the Underground? You must know that as humans, our souls are so much more stronger than the roaches in this place, that we can reset whole timelines and turn back the whole of time itself. And instead of joining in on the fun, you stand in front of me as my adversary. No matter how many timelines we live through, no matter how many times I reset, you're still determined to defeat me, even when you know you can't."

"Pretty much," your shoulders moved upwards as you shrugged which was a motion that unnerved you. You had no control over your body or what it did or spoke, nothing more than a pair of invisible eyes that watched a future (or past?) version of yourself converse with a demonic entity.

You had never laid eyes upon another human being before, heard nothing about the race that you supposedly descended from apart from the scientist's ramblings time and time again, brief snippets of some deadly war between humans and monsters with consequences that forever damned his race into the Void. You weren't even sure how entirely human you were, what the scientist might have done to your physical composition that made you different from the others that walked the surface of this planet.

But one thing for certain, this child definitely was not human, no matter how many times they called themselves that. You thought that the child might have been human once, just as innocent as anything else, but over time, over a great length of murder and hatred, their mind had been twisted and corrupted into something new, something on the border between monster and human.

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