The Aftermath

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The three of you awoke in a world of snow.

At first you weren't certain if it was dust or snow or ash, all three substances looked the same. Then again, why would you think of such a thing? You tried to prod your memory to come up with a reason but found nothing, no traces of who you were, who you had been or who you might be. It was like everything that you had ever experienced had been torn from your mind and thrown away.

Had this happened before?

You looked to your left and saw two skeletons lying face-first in the ground. There wasn't much you could do to help them, but you took off the blue jacket that you were wearing and wrapped it around the shorter skeleton and took off your red scarf and wrapped it around the neck of the taller skeleton. You did not know your connection to either of them, if they were perhaps glimpses into the life that you had once lived but remembered no longer, but you did feel a strange emotion inside your chest whenever you saw them, as if it was your duty to protect them no matter the cost.

You supposed you could have left the two and ventured into the nearby town on your own in hopes of getting answers but felt obligated to stay. If anything, these two were perhaps the only connection you had to the memories that were missing from your mind, the only evidence that there was a part of your life, a part of yourself that you could remember no more.

The two skeletons awoke a few minutes later. "Where are we?" The smallest of the two asked, rubbing his skull. You looked down at your own hands and took in your appearance, noticing that you were covered in some sort of (S/c) flesh whilst these two were made of bones rather than skin. You could see how the two of them were related, how they may have been connected with fates entwined, but where did you fit into all of this?

"Never mind that," the small skeleton corrected himself, "but who are we?" He seemed panicked by this notion, the fact that he could remember not a single detail about himself.

"I don't know," you replied, your voice catching the skeleton in the blue jacket off guard. "I woke up here next to the two of you but I can't remember anything, not one clue about who I am or why I'm with any of you."

"I remember my name, but other than that, nothing. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton."

"(Y/n), (Y/n) the flesh monster," you chuckled and shook his hand in return before noticing a strange metal plate that was drilled onto his bone. "Whatever that is, it must have hurt."

"No kidding," Sans replied, looking disturbed at the strange metal contraption that was burned on his hand. His eyes flickered to the top of your shirt, making out the strange scar that seemed to have been scorched into your skin. "But not as painful as that, I would think."

"What?" Your fingers rose to your neck and you felt a strange scar that extended from the top of your neck to the small of your back, a strange series of numbers and letters whose meanings were lost in the back of your mind. The whole situation was unnerving, how the three of you had ended up here without any recollection of what had happened or who you even were. The strange symbols and Handplates certainly did nothing in reassuring you.

"I'm Papyrus," the taller of the two skeletons declared rather proudly as he woke from the confines of his waking dreams. Like Sans, he too had a metal plate drilled into his hand. Though if this bothered him, Papyrus offered no indication. "We shouldn't let such things bother us!" He exclaimed, not seeming disturbed that he could not remember who he was or his connection with you or Sans. "If anything, this makes us more special! And I can tell already that we are going to be the best of friends! I bet we probably were friends too even in the life we don't remember."

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