I'm mad. Gotta rant. Here we go...
So my dad has an Alexa. The Amazon home thing.
He uses it it play like... white noise and waterfall sounds to help him sleep (and yet he won't let me listen to music to help me sleep).
And all the other times he's used it, there wasn't a flashing light.BUT TODAY~ THE ONE TIME I USE IT~ TO PLAY MUSIC~ AND I REPEAT~
O N L Y MUSIC~ IT HAS A YELLOW FLASHING LIGHT AROUND THE RING ON THE TOP! THE ONE TIME!So he asked to talk to me in his room where the Alexa is. I come in and ask, "Yeah, what's up?"
"What I'd you do to Alexa?" Was the very first thing he asked me. "What is wrong with it?"
I shrugged and said I didn't know. He said I should because I played music on it today. WELL HOW THE FRIK AM I SUPPOST TO KNOW!? IM NOT A TECHNOLOGY EXPERT!
So we tried different things to stop Alexa but she wouldn't budge. He unplugged it and turned it back on again. Still didn't work.
B u t T h i s I s n t W h y I m M a d
I'm mad because he
BlAmEs Me FoR iT.He said it's never happened before, I used it today, and then it happned.
So I HAD to have done SOMETHING to it.
But oh ho HO. It doesn't end there.
He said that he's not mad, and doesn't blame me for it, BUT I did use it so you did it.
I'm. Gonna. Need. You. To. Process. This.
I didn't do it...
But I did it...
Hes not mad....
But he was....
AFTER SAYING HE DIDNT!Sometimes. And I know this is bad. And you may be thinking, oh. It's just normal teenager emotions. You may seem mad, but it's just hormones...
Sometimes. I really dont like my dad! Like.... it's the weekend. He won't let me stay up past 11. E l e v e n....
(I swear if you make a stranger things joke about this AND/OR MY NAME I will cut you)
And then he takes away my phone JUST TO GIVE IT BACK AFTER IM "asleep" (insomnia. Its GrEaT) FOR MY ALARM!
Okay. Rant over. *deep inhale* I'm probably gonna rant some more... so... PREPARE YOURSELVES MENTALLY!

Random And Tagz
RandomHere's the random stuffs you can know about me! Tags and random bull crap belong here.