I dont know what happened.
All I know. Is that I want it to stop.
I like being single.
Even though I say I want a mans XD
I really dont.
I just want this to stop...
This is what happened.
Landry and this other guy dathan both liked me at one time so they had a flipping COMPETITION for my feelings... which neither of them got but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So he said that hes liked me since the first 6 weeks of school and he was waiting to see if he actually liked me and he did. He told me today the only reason he still comes to school is to see me in the morning..... ME.... WHAT?! Anyways... I told him that I wasn't ready and that I would kinda rather just be friends but I was also honest with him. I said I liked him for a short period of time but then I realized that i only like him as a friend. He is cute but that's not the point. So he asked me if I still have a chance and I said I dunno it depends on how I feel so he said he wouldn't give up... that he was gonna come at full force and i don't know what that's suppost to mean for him or me... but for now we are just friends and I'm not gonna lead him on he knows how i feel but I'm also not gonna do anything about it...

Random And Tagz
RandomHere's the random stuffs you can know about me! Tags and random bull crap belong here.