⇢one;; loud mind

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❝ It's not my fault hethinks so loud

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❝ It's not my fault he
thinks so loud.❞
send me an angel ✗ highly suspect

rogue ⇢p.p

My eyebrows furrowed together as the last wires were put into place. Bucky, who sat on a clean metal bench watching my every move, as I fixed his arm. My converse lightly tapped against the concrete floors as I wiped the sweat threatening to fall down the side of my face. His arm was so complex, it was difficult to find the adequate parts for it. My gloved hands closed up his arm as I was satisfied with my handy work 

"You really messed it up, you're lucky I could fix it," I sighed staring at his bruised face. Discolouring was surrounding one of his eyes, a bleeding lip and bruised cheekbones. His hair was dirty and greasy and he quiet frankly looked a complete mess. I reached my hand towards his face, he didn't flinch or jerk away but he stayed silent and kept his blank stare with the floor. My finger tips reached his cheek, the discoloured briuses and cuts faded away until there was no trace of them even existing.

"Thanks, you're a good doctor. " He muttered. "Tony will throw a fit if he finds out you got in a fight. Also I am not a doctor." I say pulling the gloves off my hands and throwing then aside. Bucky's eyes trailed up to mine, signs of panic flash over his eyes.

"Don't worry, as if I'd tell him. Since when I even tell Tony anything." I chuckled.

He gave me a greatful look and pulled a clean black shirt over his head as the one he was wearing was torn and covered in blood. Once his face was visable again, I could feel emotions radiating of him as if he tried hard to restrain them. But I did see it even if he wanted to hide it from me my powers can always detect the strong feelings of hate and anger.

"You're angry," I stated as Bucky was staring at the concrete floor. As if my words had triggered something inside him his head snapped towards me.

"How many times have I told you to stay outta my head!" He bellowed as he threw his arms up in anger, jumping off the metal table. He turned his back to me and walked towards the transparent computer screens, the palms of his hands rested on the table as he bowed his head, breathing heavily.

His outbreak hadn't scared me, I barely flinched for this was only normal behavior from him. I was the only one out of the whole team that really understood him apart from Cap that is, and this is why we became such close friends. He had been through a lot of shit to make him the way he was, it was never his fault. The silence was thick and I heard a person approaching the area, their loud thoughts floating around in my ears.

"I know, I know, it's just... tempting," I spoke to the man. He pushed his hair from his face and turned around to face me. I sat back down on a computer chair and used various tools in a glove peice of Tony Stark's suit. A few other objects such as breast plates and peices of helmet scattered across my messy desk along with tools and loose parts.

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