⇢one;; mission

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❝im not stuffing up mylipstick

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im not stuffing up my
purple rain ✗ prince

rogue ⇢p.p


My hands brushed over the expensive material straightening out the suit that hugged Peter's body almost perfectly. My eyes traveled up to his innocent eyes as they stared back in mine.

"Ready?" I whispered. He nodded slowly. I brought my small hands to the smooth skin on his face, I gently ran my thumb over his cheek admiring him.

"You're so handsome." I say softly as I pulled my hand away. A small smile tugged at his lips, something I could stare at for ages. "So are you," He answered. My face turned to a confused frown.

"I am handsome?" I questioned. "I-uh thats not really what, uh, no I meant that-" He trailed off awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay now that you have successfully ruined the moment," I say patting his shoulder. "We should go now." I added. "Yeah, yeah we should do that." He said quickly.

I glanced around the luxurious hotel room and grabbed my clutch taking one last look in the mirror I screwed my face up at myself wearing a black dress. "Stop making that face," Peter scolded me as I shoved him out the door. I shut the door behind me and heard it lock before I put the keycard into my clutch and looked up at Peter who looked down the empty hallways.

"Okay we are just going to go over this one more time, okay?" I say attracting Peter's attention. He nodded quickly. "Okay we stick to the plan, don't go off and go your own thing. The team outside has got our backs yeah? And what ever you do please do not walk away from me in the casino because if they come up to you asking for ID we are screwed." I explained quickly. "Yeah got it," Peter answered confidentially.

Peter leaned in closer to me, further towards my face before I quickly stopped him with my hand over his mouth. "I am not stuffing up my lipstick," I firmly say taking my hand away from his face. "I don't even know why you gotta wear that stupid lipstick anyways." Peter complained.

"Because red lipstick makes me look older and thats what we need to be in that casino under  the radar." I answered slightly annoyed. "But I still don't-"

"Peter I am not arguing with you right now lets go." I say turning his body around to walk down the well lit wide hallway. We both stood in the elevator staring at the sliver doors as Peter spoke through his ear piece to Tony telling him our location. The elevator dinged and the doors opened revealing a noisy and life filled casino with men holding drinks and playing cards. The area from what I could see inside the elevator was extremely large as people soon appeared at the doors waiting to get inside the lift as Peter and I quickly exited.

I looked around at the hundreds of people cheering and bashing drinks together with friends. Some sat at machines with a small bowl of nuts and a drink beside them. People crowded the area and some were in a rush to move past Peter and I. I looked over the intimidating scene and my gaze landed on Peter whose eyes reflected the flashing lights of machines. His hand wrapped around mine and we soon disappeared into the crowd blending in with the people around us.

In situations like these I was thankful that I had developed the ability to control whose minds I can get into, a few months ago a crowded place like this would've destroyed me with so many incoherent thoughts screaming on top of others.

I shut my eyes gently while people walked past us with drinks or trays if food. Peter stopped and I concentrated as hard as I could, my eyebrows knitting together and my cheeks lifted upward. My eyes snapped open catching Peter a little off guard as he stared at me waiting for me to speak.

"That way," I spoke pointing towards the back of the casino. Peter and I kept our hands tightly welded together as we weaved through the drunk men and women throwing dice over a green table. The crowds became a little clearer as we reached further toward the back of the building. Music blaring over the speakers.

And on a lounge I saw a man with slicked back hair sitting inbetween to girls who were done up nicely. A security guard stood firmly with his back faced to the man with the slicked back hair while he watched over the crowd in front of him. I turned my body so the back of my head faced the security guard and I looked at Peter.

"That's our guy," I stated, not needing to whisper as the crowd drowned out our words. He stole a glance of behind me and then quickly spoke into his ear piece.

"We have eyes on him," He says. "Just act natural you've still got five minutes before he's got to be anywhere." I heard Tony reply as I looked over to the man with women surrounding him, they seemed to be in an intense conversation and I listened carefully. I soon realised that I didn't want to know what they were talking about.

"What are they saying?" Peter questioned. "You don't wanna know," I answered screwing my face up. The man's name was Lawrence Barrasso and he was thirty-seven, he held a strong hatred towards his father who knowed the casino.

"Lawrence Barrasso, thirty-seven." I told Peter and he nodded along. "How we supposed to act natural?" He asked looking around and noticing that we did look a little out of place. I quickly pulled him towards some empty tables and chairs. We sat and observed, waiting for anything to happen. I looked back toward Peter who was already looking at me with a slight smile.

"Whatca lookin' at?" I ask resting the palm of my hand on my chin and my elbow on the table in front of me. "You," He answered nonchalantly. "You're so beautiful." He added.

"Not handsome?" I retorted playfully. "Oh yeah that too," Peter chuckled. "Thank you," I smiled glancing back toward our target. I seemed to stare for too long as I caught the gaze of the security guard and he narrowed his eyes on me. He soon began to walk toward Peter and I. "Fuck," I whispered turning my head back to Peter to alert him. Panic spread in his eyes as he tried to hide it best he could, but he couldn't hide it from me.

"I'll do the talking." I reasured him as the guard reached our table. He was very stiff and held his posture tightly staring at the two teenagers in the casino.

"You two look way to young to be in here, can I see your ID?" He asked firmly. I glanced down at my clutch and opened it, a card between my fingers as I held it out for the guard to inspect. As his hand went to grab the card I pushed my own hand toward his arm, grabbing his wrist immediately throwing him into a trance. Everything around us stood still as the guard had wide eyes on me waiting for instructions. The room was dead silent, all I could hear were my steady breaths."We are over the age of twenty-one now return back to your post," I whispered.

I quickly removed my skin from his and took the card with me. The guard blinked a few times as the music returned and so did the life of the room.

"Sorry to bother you," He states before turning around quickly and taking his long stiff strides back to Lawrence. I looked back to Peter he held a relieved look. I saw Lawrence suddenly stand to his feet and I copied.

"Come on," I say to Peter and he quickly gets up also. Lawrence walks out an exit door and Peter and I slip through the gap before the door could close. We kept quiet and watched the man confidentially strut down the well lit hallway.

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