⇢twelve;; soaked socks

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❝I just miss we used to have

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❝I just miss
we used to have. ❞
never be alone ✗ shawn mendes

rogue ⇢p.p


When I got back to the estate, I opened the glass doors and stood in the lobby. I was completely soaked with rain and a small puddle of water forming at my feet. I stood in the glass surrounded lobby, there was no one around it was late.

I looked down at my phone and saw it was 9 o'clock and I had a message from Peter I also suffered four missed calls from Tony. "Shit," I mummbled.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Tony announced, I whipped my head upward from my phone. "And shit it is," He added. Tony walked toward me dressed in his sharp suit and scary business man persona.

"Where have you been? You didn't call, you didn't text. Bonnie it's dark out what where you thinking?" Tony askes coming to a halt in front me in his well groomed suit.

"I wasn't thinking, I am sorry Tony," I answered. "Damn right you are. Where were you?" He frowned, he stood in front of me, towering over me. I didn't like how little he made me feel, how small and irrelevant.

"Queens," I said smally. "Oh don't tell me you have a thing for the kid." He shook his head. I stayed silent I looked down at my feet, my soaked white converse completely had drenched my socks and it was a little uncomfortable.

"Unbelievable," He said throwing a hand in the air out of frustration. I wasn't sure why but tears began to brim at my eyes, I stared down at the ground desperate for Tony to not see me this way. He hadn't seen me cry for years, back when I was just a kid adjusting to the new Stark lifestyle. It was no secret that Tony and I's relationship was broken, under strain and not as strong as it used to be. I used to eat dinner with him and Pepper every night, we would watch the same dumb show every night and we would even work in the labs together. I didn't know why we drifted apart so much and I guess that made me overally sad, as if I was loosing other father.

"Bonnie," He said. "Bonnie," He repeated. "Look at me." He stated firmly. I slowly lifted my head up and as I did that a tear fell from my tired eyes. Tony saw the tears gathering at my eyes and his widened in shock, I wish I could read his emotions right now. His eyes softened from the cold stare he was giving me only moments ago.

"I jus-just miss what we used to have." I whispered. Tony quickly pulled me into a tight hug, he didn't care that I was soaked with rain water but he just squeezed me tight.

"You should head to bed." Tony whispered. "We are going out for lunch on Wednesday, okay? After Pepper and I go on our run." He adds. I pulled away from the hug and nodded slowly.

"Goodnight," I softly spoke. "Goodnight sweetheart," He said putting a comforting hand in my wet hair before I walked away. I didn't bother taking the elevator and just climbed the three flights of stairs up to the hallway. The hallway surrounded with doors, I stopped all the way at the end door, putting the key into the lock and walking inside.

After shutting the door behind me I opened my phone to check the message I had received from Peter.

Peter 👑

Peter 👑
You lied.
Read 9:14 p.m.


And you followed me.
Seen 9:29 p.m.

Peter 👑
Thats my job
Read 9:29 p.m.

To stalk me?
Read 9:29 p.m.

Peter 👑
No, to make sure you
got to the train station safely.
But you didn't go to the train station.
Read 9:30 p.m.

I only lied to you because I
didn't want you to invite me in
your house.
Read 9:30 p.m.

Peter 👑
Read 9:30 p.m.

Because then I'll have
to meet your Aunt
Read 9:30 p.m.

Peter 👑
Aunt May isn't scary
Read 9:30 p.m.

I am going to bed now Peter
goodnight 🌙🌟
Read 9:30 p.m.

Peter 👑
Read 9:31 p.m.

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