⇢two;; iced coffee

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❝im not stuffing up mylipstick

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❝im not stuffing up my
purple rain ✗ prince

rogue ⇢p.p


After we had successfully completed our mission Peter and I headed back to the hotel room. My phone began to ring as I rubbed the makeup off my face with a wipe, I glanced over to see Monty wanting to facetime. I accepted and placed the phone on the table in front of me and continued to clean my face.

I glanced over at my brother with headphones over his head and he held some kind of a drink in his hand. "Oi you were meant to tell me when you got off the damn plane," He frowned. "Nice to see you too," I sarcastically answered. Monty didn't seem to know what to say to my statement so he decided to ignore it.

"What did you do today?" He questioned pulling his hoodie over his untamed hair. "Kicked some ass thats what I did today." I chuckled looking down at my orange makeup wipe.

"Where's Peter?" Monty asked. I threw the wipe into the nearest bin and directed my full attention to my phone. "He's in the shower." I say casually. "What did you do today?" I asked.

"Well since you assholes didn't invite me to damn Vegas which was very rude but you know I ain't gonna hold any grudges. I played video games all day and applied for some job at a diner down the road." He replied taking a sip of his mystery drink. I knew what diner he was talking about, the one Peter and I went to that night I made a couple makeout on the kitchen counter.

Many DNA tests later, Tony Stark had kindly offered Monty a place to stay in the estate and a chance to get his life together, he has had access to videogames. Which he plays all the time with Finn I don't complain though, it keeps him off the streets and out of the cigarettes.

"Is that Bonnie?" A voice screeched over Monty's phone and I quickly saw Finn dive over the couch Monty comfortably sat in.

"Bro careful of my coffee," Monty stated moving his iced drink further into the air so Finn couldn't knock it over. I chuckled slightly at the two boys.

"I haven't seen you in three days and I don't think I can function." Finn says dramatically as he took up a seat beside my brother. "Well I am functioning just fine," I say humorously.

"Bitch!" Finn yelled. "Hey you're a bitch," Monty defend me. "You're both bitches." I say causing them to both look at me with a frown.

"Excuse me I was defending you," Monty sassed. "Talk later bye," I say abruptly hanging up on the call. My eyes heavy and I didn't have the energy to deal with the hyperactive boys on coffee. I didn't know why Monty was drinking coffee considering it was one in the morning in Manhattan.

I placed my phone on charge and got comfortable in the queen sized bed with pure white bed sheets. Peter quickly appeared in the room running his hand through his damp hair.

"Where you talking to yourself?" He frowned looking around the empty room. I chuckled a little. "No I was talking to Monty and Finn but then they annoyed me." Peter nodded understandingly and then left the room again. I layed my head down on the soft pillows and watched the doorway waiting for Peter to return.

I heard the loud yells of a hair dryer from the other room for around two minutes until he quickly returned to the room with frizzy and fluffy hair. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and got onto the bed sitting beside me and scrolling through Instagram. My head lays just beside his shoulder and I sat up and watched his eyes drift up to mine. I admired his fluffy hair and just had to touch it, my hand reached up to his head running my fingers through his brown locks.

"Whatca doin?" He asked casually with a small chuckle. "Your hair is so soft," I commented. A small smile sprend on his face as he watched me play with his hair. I looked into his eyes and my hand slowly ran through his hair, as he leaned towards me. His lips pressed against mine, bringing his warm hand to my cheek and I softly brought his hair between my fingers. I kissed back gently and leisurely, our lips moving in sync as his thumb ran over my cheek. He pulled away with a small grin held onto his mouth.

I still felt the warmth of his lips against mine, even if they weren't touching anyone. I stared into his deep large brown eyes filled with emotion.

"I love you." He simply says as he took his hand away from my face. I was caught a little of guard, not as it was too soon for him to say anything like that, it was extremely late considering we had been together for ten months but I would never expect for him to say it before me. He seemed confident with what he had said and a large smile tugged at my lips.

"I love you too," I answered removing my hand from his hair, I held my head up using the palm of my hand, my elbow stably placed on my knee as I stared at the boy seated beside me. Peter grabbed my body and pulled me closer to him, my head resting on his chest as he sat upright in the bed. My arm extended over his torso and he brushed his hand over the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair.

"Your hair is so soft," He says mocking me. I chuckled slightly and I knew that I couldn't get anymore comfortable then what I am now. He placed his phone on the bedside table and sunk further down into the bed so he was laying down. We had both gotten comfortable as Peter loosely held his arm over my side as I side hugged him keeping my head on his chest listening to his relaxed heartbeat.

"Can you turn the light off?" Peter whispered. I did as he asked and the moon light shined through the balcony glass door. "Goodnight Peter," I mumbled sleepily. "Goodnight Bonnie." He answered.

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