⇢twenty;; rogue

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❝its okay, really

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❝its okay, really.❞
purple rain ✗ prince

rogue ⇢p.p


Months later it was my birthday. We sat in a restaurant with dim lights and a large table to fit everyone that had been invited. Monty next to me with Peter on the other side, Steve and Bucky sat across from me with Finn beside Bucky. Beside Steve was Bree and Pepper. Everyone was laughing and having fun with the upbeat atmosphere. But I sat sipping on my apple juice with a dull expression.

Peter noticed my behavior and turned his head to face me, he held a sad smile. He placed his hand over the top of mine and curled his fingers around my hand that was placed on the seat below me.

"I am sorry Tony couldn't be here," He whispered. "It's okay, really." I say shrugging it off. "Hey Peter, you comin' to watch the new Star Wars movie out next week?" Finn pipes up drawing Peter's attention to the boy across the table from him.

"Of course I'll go with you," Peter exclaimed excitedly. "Have you seen the trailer?" Finn questioned back with them same amount of excitement. "Only a billion times," Peter quickly answered.

"Hey hey seventeen year old sister." Monty says playfully elbowing my side. "Hey hey eighteen year old brother." I replied elbowing his own sides. "Hey! Your elbows are so boney," He says pushing my arm away from him.

"I will poke my boney elbows at you all I want," I say shoving my elbow into his ribs harder then before. "Ow," He frowned.

"Can you two stop? The adults are talking." Steve says guesturing towards Bucky, Bree and Pepper. This made an eruption of playful arguments break out over the dinner table.

During the end of the night we all got into a black hummer, the car stretching long enough to fit everyone inside. Steve sat in the drivers seat with Pepper beside him in the passengers side. I huddled up beside Peter as Monty, Finn and Bree all sat in a trio just across from us. The seats on both sides of the vehicle, the three seemed overally interested in what Bree showed them on her phone. Bucky sat away from the group, most likely needing a break from human interaction as he stared out the window with large eyes.

Peter handed me an earphone and I placed it in my ear and leant my head against Peter's shoulder. The music of Prince's purple rain echoed through my ears, a small smile spreading on my lips as Peter knew this was my favourite song. He always knew how to make me feel better. I intertwined our fingers together while he watched the raindrops slide down the window with his head leaning against the back of Steve's chair.

Walking down the hallway with my large group of friends I saw Caps and Bucky's rooms coming up ahead and I gave them both farewells and hugs. But Pepper still followed me to my door as her lonely apartment was upstairs, I assumed she followed to record the cutting of the cake. I walked with Bree beside me and the three boys behind us going on about something to do with school.

I fished through my bag and grabbed my keys as we reached my door. I unlocked it and walked into the dark area quickly switching the lights on to the empty house.

I looked around seeing everything left exactly the way I had seen it last. The teenagers behind me moved past my frozen in place figure and entered my apartment.

"Hey Bonnie, want some cake?" Finn asked as he walked toward the kitchen. I nodded to the boy and followed him tightly. I felt a little uncomfortable with Pepper loosely following me as I entered the kitchen I saw a figure with there back faced to me. They quickly turned to see me and my face lights up like a million suns, a small smug smirk across his face also.

"Tony!" I exclaimed excitedly as I ran toward the man and threw my arms around him. He grunted a little at the sudden impact of my hug but quickly hugged me back. I pulled away from him and stared into his eyes with a frown.

"But I thought you had to go to that nuclear weapons provention thingo in Russia," I say. After many weeks of him not being able to fly due to his horrible injuries he sustained during the fight with Thanos he was not able to fly in planes. Thanks to my healing powers that I didn't know where strong enough to actually bring someone back from being completely inpaled by a giant tree truck, my father was alive to live another day and I got was a lousy thank you.

"I wouldn't miss my daughter's birthday for the world," He replied. "But you didn't come to the dinner," Finn pointed out. I turned around to see the three of my friends and brother standing in the doorway of the kitchen watching the scene in front of them. Pepper standing by the fridge filming us with her phone.

"That's not the point." Tony stammered quickly. "Whats Pepper filming us for?" I asked turning back to Tony. Tony shot Pepper a strange look as if they had known something I didn't, which annoyed me a little.

"So I know you've always wanted one of these." Tony says bending down to receive a box. I didn't know how I hadn't noticed it there before. "I don't even know why but I guess today is the day I'll finally let you have one." He says handing me a large cardboard box with holes all around the sides. Already knowing what was inside my excitement boiled over placing the box gently on the kitchen bench nearby.

My fingers thumbled to open the box as I gazed inside. My smile spreading wider across my face as I pulled the small rottweiler puppy from its cage.

"You have rules with the dog, you look after it because I don't want anything to do with it. And don't bring it near me." Tony states as I hug the puppy in my arms. I was in complete awe with no words able to escape my mouth. All four friends rushed over to greet the happy puppy. Hands brushed over his fur and he seemed to love every second of the attention he received.

"So what are you gonna name him?" Bree questions looking up at me, this caused all three boys to do the same. I looked into the eyes of everyone of them, they all held questioning looks. I looked at Monty with a quick smug look.

"I think I'll name him Rogue."

rogue ⇢peter parker™Where stories live. Discover now