Intense rivalry with a past

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There are around 37.2 trillion cells residing within the Human body, functioning perfectly to keep the body in check. but there are bound to be two specific cells that do their jobs with no hesitation but share a conflicting relationship. The two cells that are well known for such extreme actions, The Natural killer cell and the Killer T cell. It's ordinary for cells to stumble upon disputes among the two furious cells, but even with those type of traits they could make a good team if they try. Like everyday the same actions were being repeated between both conflicting cells.

"Why don't you go back with your band of hooligans and go back to training those twinkle toes, i'm not wasting my break time on you!" The Cytotoxic cell scrunched his face and retored back with venom streaming between all his words than the Natural cell had spat: "Why you...! I'll have you know that the only reason why this body is still alive is because of my men and I, you're just reckless and foolish!" Stepping back the Natural cell narrowed her eyes and clamped her teeth to express her anger, sure she only thought of him as being full of himself, but there was one thought that kept clouding her mind, It still kept her deciding on who he truly was. That day when the cancer cell had finally been exposed, and that taste of sour defeat poisoned her mouth, but the time that he cared for her being and helped her up brought her towards a last minute victory, she did care for the sinewy male but it seemed more of tough love, slipping out a sigh she turned around, the quivering grip of her hand rustled the sharp metallic sabre left the two in silence, "Whatever you say." She couldn't help but let out a small smile as she sauntered off, catching the glimpse of her smile made the KT's mind ponder a thought, like he's met her before, he kept repeating the same words in his mind.

If we've met before then why act callous and not sentimental with our past?


"I feel so weak everywhere...and heavy..." I turned slowly onto my side as the only action I could do was grip onto my aching thighs, currently i was laying on the grassy hill near the camp to try and relax my sore form, and that time i was surrounded by two other lymphocytes. "Get used to it, or else you won't have the mentality and endurance to be a fully fledged T ce-" Of course my naive self was only capable of throwing lame comebacks, "Stop antagonising me!" I hissed out in slight pain, I absolutely despised that brunette male, ever since he used my head as a spring board gave me a bad impression of him, I saw the brunette raise his glasses, how smug I thought. "Even so, you should really mature." growing more tired I looked at him with a vexed look, "Shut up I know I know!" I whined, I heard the female next to me sigh, sitting up I looked at her as she fixed her tied cream brown hair, "perhaps you two would like to stop provoking eachother, the captain is nearby." I sat there in silence, the atmosphere of awkwardness grew thicker which left me uncomfortable, looking both ways both lymphocytes didn't seem to budge, "I'm just going for a walk, i'll be back soon." Both lymphocytes looked at me, nodding in unison I turned with a uncomfortable look, how do they manage to do everything concurrently.

The gentle ambiance filled the air, these type of afternoons are the ones I enjoyed the most. Staring down at the water that reflected my form made me smile, the orange and yellow sky complimented the water, making it sparkle with the gentle touch of the sun giving the environment a more lively look, talking of by passing cells gave a warm feeling near the river bank I was walking along, my sight was too distracted on the beautiful scenery that I became too immersed to even be caution about my surroundings that suddenly I felt my foot slip off near the edge of the bank "W-WOAH!" I yelled and fell into the water, plunging downwards I felt the bubbles created by force float up towards me that had tickled my face, swimming up I puffed out and shook my head in slight embarrassment, I bet I would've looked stupid, looking down towards the higher ground that split land from water, I saw a small hand reach towards me, looking up i saw a young petite girl, her cream skin blended well with her rosy cheeks, her eyes giving off a pure dazzling look, I studied her long black hair that had a fringe which blocked her left eye matched her dressed perfectly. "Are you okay?" Her soft voice rang through my head, deciding to not leave her hanging I nodded and layed my hand within hers and linked, noticing that the dainty female was having trouble pulling me up I pressed my feet against the wall below and I placed my hand on the mundane grey concrete ground and used the last ounce of my strength into my small arm to push me up as she tries to pull me up, the combination worked out and eventually got me of the waters, feeling my body grow heavy from the water and my strength I weakly got up after panting, "Thank you..." I said softly and the dainty girl, she looked away shyly and nodded. "It's okay, just as long as you're okay." Linking contact we both studied eachothers features, she looked pretty, i felt my cheeks slowly turning red at the innocent girl, I'm sure we share the same age, but what cell was sh-"NK cell." I heard a sweet voice calling out for someone, i'm pretty sure it was a calling for the girl I was looking at, wait did she say "NK"? How could someone so delicate and pretty be a cell like that? Questions kept racing through my mind over and over again, "C-Coming Miss Macrophage!" She called back and looked at me softly, "Sorry I have to go, if we run into eachother we could have more of a better introduction, stay safe." Her voice sounded soft and smooth, like melody to my ears, nodding at her we both said our goodbyes, "bye bye." I whispered to myself as i gave her a small wave as she ran up towards the Macrophage and held hands with her, the young NK lymphocyte looked at me with me with a gentle smile and walked off with the older cell, my heart beat grew faster.

Trudging my way back towards the camp in my wet wear I gathered rather questionable looks from fellow lymphocytes, "What happened to you?" I heard the male voice of the brunette, looking at him with a tired look I sighed. "Nothing just fell into the water..." I expected laughter from him but who was I kidding, he was stoic. My teachers took notice of my fatigue form and took me inside of the campus, stepping foot into the warm place I found it easier to walk around despite walking around with water seeped into my clothing and cold winds blowing against my cold form, leading up to my cozy barrack I opened up a draw and pulled out new set of dry clothes, dressing into dry clothing I sat down on the lower bed of the bunk bed with a towel that I retrived from the dresser, drying my blonde hair I looked down with a gentle blush, "that girl..." I whispered softly, "I really want to meet her again for some reason..." sighing I stood up and threw my towel to the side, picking up the wet clothing I brought them down towards the maidens that were around to take care of the clothing and chores, that image of the girl was stuck in my mind.

Why can't I stop thinking about her...?

(To be continued.)

[I do apologize if this chapter is short, i guarantee that there will be longer ones.]

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