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(Argh! I apologize for releasing this chapter late, this was meant to be released prior the day after I published the first chapter, as scheduled I'll be releasing a chapter every two days depending on how much time I possibly have. Sorry for the inconvince and please enjoy this chapter.)

GAH-!" The Blonde lymphocyte fell backwards in a fit of pain as he was struck in the stomach with a swift hit, he lifted his head up towards the brunette with glasses that wore the same stoic look, "Good! That concludes our final sparring match. Head back to training and make sure to drink a lot of water today. It's going to be a hot day." The profound voice of one of the teachers spoke up. "I'll get you one day...!" The bested cell hissed in determination as he slowly lifted himself up onto his feet, clutching onto his stomach his posture was hunched to avoid more pain with standing straight. He began to limp off in embarrassment, "How dramatic." The brunette sighed as he rubbed his temples, "I wouldn't say dramatic, more like determined." The boy with spectacles turned to see the female lymphocyte with her hairstyle being tied up, "If you say so, but He isn't going to learn anything if he keeps being stubborn." The stoic female looked at the lymphocyte beside her then looked back at the limping boy, "Perhaps."


With the temperature growing hotter over time I huffed as I planted the last flower pot, standing up from my knees I looked over the flower patch in satisfaction, wiping the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand I turned around to face the gentle Macrophage, smiling wholeheartedly at me with a clear glass of fresh and cold iced tea. "I'd figure you'd still be gardening here in the heat so I poured you a cold beverage, please come in later, I don't want you suffering with dehydration." The Macrophage frowned softly at me, noticing that my face was slightly red from the intense heat and lack of fluids, "Sorry...I'll take better care of myself I promise..." I took the glass from her hand after thanking her with a kind smile, sure I felt a little dizzy but even with the soaring heat I still ignored the risk factors thinking that I'd be fine, chugging the sweetened herbal drink I at least felt refreshed, feeling my temperature cool I handed the glass back towards the Maiden, seeing the satisfied look on the Macrophage after her witnessing me replenishing my water levels made me smile softly, "If your heading out please drink more fluids out there and come back soon." I nodded, obeying her orders. Despite the warnings, I had made a grave mistake. Making my way down from the enormous orchad land that leads towards the tall mansion, I made my way past the exiting arches and walked along the grey stoned floor, I walked through the lively and clean manor, greeting a few Maidens on the way through, leaving the manor behind I walked down the hill that viewed the Thymus camp below within the bone marrow, immersed with the view I looked to see the amazing views, breathtaking...the green trees danced along with the rich blue sky, the sun light passing through the trees, and finally, the cicadas giving off the summer vibes. Snapping back to reality I walked faster down the steps, I needed to pick up two more flower pots from somebody, finally on the flat ground I made my way towards the training camp, apparently Another Macrophage had brought a few flowers to bring up but had to leave them since she was called in to eliminate a few germs outside of the bone marrow, so another maiden had notified me to pick them up. Searching around in the heat wasn't the best combination, I felt a sharp impact of sudden pain in my head, I ignored that warning because I needed to get those flowers, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to face one of the teacher's. "Are you looking for the flowers?" I nodded slowly, seeing him hand the pots over I tried to grab the two pots, with the aching in my head growing worser I tried to hide it, I began to sweat more with the weight and heat, "" My voice grew weaker with the searing heat growing worser for my temperature and water levels, "I'm afraid I cann- Quit screwing around you numskulls" He shouted at the Lymphocytes that were goofing off, I saw him walk off towards them to scold the bunch, I bit my lip and tried to used my ounce of strength to carry both extremely heavy flower pots, come on, they were big. I began to inch my way towards the large gates, I felt my lips turn chapped from the lack of hydration, "So heavy..." I huffed in frustration, I felt my mind blank for a good three seconds and there came the worse part, dizziness. I stumbled a bit as my vision turned blurry, I placed the two large flower pots down and noticed a wavy figure reveal himself, "B-Bacteria?!" I screamed out, before I could run or try to attack it the pain grew worser and I dropped to my knee, I gripped onto my head in visable pain, Tears began to stream down from my eyes from the unbearable feeling, I was completely vulnerable from any foreign beings, completely weak. I should've listened to the Macrophage's words, but I was so stubborn. I saw the microorganism come closer towards me, hearing a cackling laugh I shut my eyes tightly, the pain will end soon. Before I knew it I heard shouting from the distance, the...Thymic Epithelial cell! My mind gwaked as the last thing I remember seeing was him obliterating the germ with a punch, I heard running footsteps and faint takling that I couldn't make out, last thing I felt was myself being lifted up onto someone's back, but I was too weak to question of see who it was, slowly my vision faded to black.

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