It's goodbye for now (Re-upload)

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(I noticed that I've misplaced the thymus into the bone marrow, but actually it's located in the upper anterior, so I've got my locations mixed since the Lymphatic cells are nurtured within the bone marrow before being shifted to the Thymus where theh begin their maturing stages. Thank you science class.
Anyways final apology and this is about my late chapter releasesl i've been on the fence about announcing new chapters every second day, but I've also said that it really depends if I have time, which currently I don't, so next week I'll start producing chapters on schedule if my school schedules aren't so cluttered, so please bear with me for now, next chapter will be released Saturday my time.)

Note: I had to re-up load this chapter with the tittle being glitchy, I apologize.

It's been a while since we last saw eachother

I hope you're holding up well




"Pass, congratulations!" The voice of a Thymic Epithelial cell yelled as he gestured a "O" to indicate the blonde Lymphocyte's success, He rubbed the back of his head in confusion as the crowd spectating him cheered him for his successful passing of the positive test, but it definitely rised the man's spirits, walking down towards the large grim and grey corridor the blonde matured lymphocyte leaned against the wall with a sad look in his eyes, sure it would make sense is the Nk cell would've been separated from the blonde boy for a week since the incident to af least have the Nk cell train but, it's been years since he last saw or spoke to her, every day he's been visiting her place, asking every other Nk or Macrophage cells if he could interact with her just for even a minute, but they've all told him the same thing.

she's not absent...

They've had no clue on where she could've went off to, and that thought absolutely terrified the blonde boy, non stop his mind raced with horrible thoughts or realities, snapping out of thought the blonde male saw the next participant that will be talking on the trial walk nearby, instantly he leant off the wall and wished the next participant good luck. Reaching towards his seat he settled down to watch the rest of the test until it ended.


Hours after the positive test ended I sat near the same river side that I once loved sitting near, but the Nk cell wasn't near me to keep me comfort.

I looked at the familliar orange bleeding sky sprinkling down towards the calm river, giving off a bright reflection, I heard foot steps nearing towards me then they stopped, "You should be glad, that you passed and all." I heard the familliar voice of the brunette male, my eyes still remained locked onto the water infront of us, silence had fallen between us and I spoke up, "It was dumb luck. To be honest, I have no confidence in being able to carry on as a T cell." I picked up a pebble nearby and thre it across the water, watching it jump before sinking towards the bottom, I looked down before continuing on, "Lucky you. They told you, you could be a Helper or a Regulatory T cell, not just a Killer T cell, right?" The Brunette looked at me with a huff, he began to speak up, "If you're gonna be like that, it's not too late to tell them you're gonna drop out." A slight pause fell before he continued on, "You have no confidence, right? Then, why don't you quit?" Instantly those smug words ignited a strong sense of anger and instantly I stood up, now angry. "W-What did you say?" I spoke with aggression behind my voice, the male that was next to me just turned to face me, "Just for the record, People won't humor you when you have these stupid maudlin moments, but this, The working world isn't such an easy place!" I heard his voice rise louder, and that's when I knew that a full blown argument was about to happen, I felt my teeth clentch tightly as I balled my hand into a fist, my blood began to boil in a fit of rage, "Did you say "stupid"?, A genius like you..." I look at him with tears in my eyes from mixed emotions, "Doesn't know jack about how I feel!" Yelled and began to take the first strike, "You idiot!" Before I could hit the spectacle wearing cell he had punch me first, the painful strike knoced me down onto the ground face first and I looked up at him in suprise, blinking twice as I held my cheek he spoke up, "If you've looked your own weakness in the eye, Then deal with reality for once!" His words had hit me, I realised a lot of things, this whole time i've been moping about my own weaknesses, non stop sulking. "Open your eyes, will you? You have no choice but to keep giving it your all. Even if your efforts seem wasted, your redeeming quality is how you keep grinding away on your own, isn't it?" The argument calmed down from his inspirational words, seeing a hand being held out I looked at him in silence and reluctantly reached out, getting a tight grip he helped me lift myself up, my opinios had changed on this thought to be smug man, he was someone different. I looked at him and clentched my fist again, but in a determined manner, "Gotcha. You won't hear me whine again!" I spoke up and the male responded, "Good.", there I smiled and continued to talk, "I'm gonna get stronger. I'm gonna train until I can take out any enemy with one blow! I'mm gonna build up my muscles like there's no tomorrow, and give it my all!", there I saw the brunette male smile with me, "Heh...Right. Now I know what it is I should strive for myself. I can see that inefficient bumblers like you need someone to issue them orders.", I rubbed my nose with a chuckle and looked at him again, "If you're going to be a commander, you need to loosen up a little, or your subordinates will freak out." I heard the suprised brunette mumble with a chuckle and I saw him raise his glasses with a defeated smile, "Hm, you don't have to tell me, I'm aware of that! I just need to loosen up right? Even I can't do that...just watch!" I saw the brunette spoke up with a hint of frustration but he had let go of that frustration and calmed down with a soft sigh, little did we know, the other female lymphocyte was watching us from a far, "Well, i'd best be on my way now, and hey, if you find Nk, tell her I said hi, i'm sure you still miss her." I saw the male walk off and I looked down, with a sad smile. "Yeah.", I sat down again and sighed as I rubbed my sore cheek.

It's time to go home now..

What felt like a eternity I looked at the still bright orange creamy sky, "It's beautiful isn't it." In shock I snapped out of my thoughts, that voice...wait...! I looked over to see who was sitting right next to me, the same delicate girl that was grown up, "Nk!" I shouted and tackled her, "Ow Ow Ow! K-KT, g-get of me!" I heard her laughing mid sentence as I looked to see that I was crushing the poor girl, "Sorry,'s just it's been so long that...I didn't know how to react...!" I lifted myself off of her, still the same looks... I helped her up and the female cell wiped her dress off with a soft by happy sigh, "Where have you been these past few years?" I eagerly questioned her, in the Nk cell made a pretty fair answer, "I was independently training on my own this whole time, when I came back today everyone in my household were telling me that you visited my place everyday of the year non stop, You still looked out for me?" I nodded eagerly, "Yes, of course! You could've at least told me..." I moped but I heard her chuckled, "You've never changed huh, well don't, I'd want you to be a softie still, and I apologize for not telling you, I found it best just to go somewhere that you'd have peace, b-but i'm not calling anyone annoying! I'd just rather not get distracted so easily." Her clarifying her situation brought me to at least a good conclusion, where I won't have to panic anymore. "I''d wish everything was so peaceful, but soon we're going to be released into the working world, maturity for us is nearly up, and you'll graduate to a Naieve cell, abd then to a Killer T cell, for me...I don't know..." I saw the female bring ger knees up to her chest with a sad look and I turned to her and averted my eyes towards the water, "We can always see eachother again, and when we do...let's hang out again, okay?" The girl looked at me with a sweet smile and nodded, "Yeah, you're right one hundred percent." We both sat there, staring into eachothers eyes, the same feeling we both had when we had first met, I studied her soft features, "KT..." I heard her speak up and I instantly snapped out of it, "H-Huh, yes?", " the last time...i'll see you..." those words, it made my heart drop, I froze there in silence, "'re having me on...but you back!" I spoke up with a hint of sadness and spite and the Nk cell looked down with a woeful look, "I know...but-", "You said we'd meet again!" I shouted in sadness and that made the female shriek, "I-I know, but please...hear me out KT, please...! I can never stick by you...never...! I have my job and I patrol the whole body in different patterns than yours..." I hate everything about this whole Idea, It's not her fault and I know it's not. "Nk...I'm...sorry..." the whole bay went quiet, "But let's promise one thing..." I spoke up and the girl looked at me with her tears on the brink of falling.

"Let's promise, that we'll meet some day.."

I turned up at home as a complete wreck, I had to let go of my best friend, but the promise he proposed...I had to accept it, I weakly greeted a few other Macrophage's and other Nk cells, walking into my room I closed the door and locked it gently, "I'm such a jerk..." I talked to myself and stared at the mirror infront of me, the truth is...

I'm in the work force tomorrow, I lied about everything, I never trained for all those years...I was only hiding away from him because I wanted him to forget me, but I cherished such a amazing and strong bond from him, I never wanted him to experience how much it would've hurt for him to know that I'd be gone by the next day, to never see him again, or if I were injured and he found out...he would've been distracted by me and would neglect his job, "I'm so sorry KT, I really am..." I whispered weakly, I grabbed onto my head and began to break down, I never wanted him to experience pain from such a sudden friendship loss, and for me to selfishly hide from him for all these years because I felt like he would've been devastated if we grew our bond stronger and He would have to found out, and what's worse, is that I had to make everyone in my household lie.

I'm so stupid and selfish, I never wanted to hurt him but I did in the end, and now I'm going to have to live with it.
I looked over with my red puffy eyes towards my sharp, shinning sabre in the corner of my room, slowly getting up I walked towards the sharp blade and picked it up slowly, my hand trembled slightly, I grabbed my long and smooth hair, inhaling I exhaled weakly.

The sharp blade sliced through my long hair perfectly and I dropped the blade, staring and my hair that was freshly cut, I opened the balcony doors within my room and stepped outside, greeted by the shinning moon and dark sky, and looking down I saw the Thymus school from down below, glowing with light, All I could think about was when I first met KT, I smiled at that sweet moment, and I held my hand out , completely having no grip on my block of hair, and I watched those strands of hair float off with the cold and fresh nightlywind, It was fun with getting to know you, and I won't be suprised if he acts callous towards me, because I deserve it...


It's time to say goodbye for now.

(To be continued)

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