Fun day fiasco

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"Wake up...oi!" The brunette boy elbowed the Blonde boy's face and he instantly shot up, "Gah! What was that for!" The boy exclaimed in pain, he looked at the brunette boy as he rubbed his own face, "You slept in, get up now, training." The tidy looking male climbed down the ladder and hopped down, "If you don't get up I'll do worse." He turns his hand into a flicking gesture, the young boy covered his forehead with a angry look, he looked like he was on the verge of crying. "No don't!", "then get up now." The spectacle wearing cell walked off with a sigh, "jerk..." the blonde boy muttered under his breath and slipped out of his covers, and down the ladders, he sat on the bottom bunk bed and slipped his foot into his boot, repeating the same action with his other foot, standing up he tapped his foot on the oak floor to make sure his foot is in properly, grabbing his fingerless gloves he slid them on properly, after preparing himself he walked out of his room and shut the door to close off the room, the boy heard cheering from outside and instantly ran, not wanting to face the wrath of his teachers, "You've made it." The stoic look on the boys face made the blonde angry, "yeah, quit giving me that look!" The brunette flicked his head and the young blonde yelped, "Kah!" He stumbled back as he held his forehead, "Sparring hasn't even started yet." We looked to see the light brown hair female, "I'm aware." The attacking boy sighed and fixed his glasses, "We'd best do training now, the teachers are eyeing us." He spoke up, running off the female followed after him which had the boy chase after the two, it's gonna take a while for the young boy to catch up.

I instantly thought about yesterday, and how I promised that I'd introduce Nk to my "friends" I tried to run faster to at least inch closer towards them, "W-Wait...up, g-guys...I have something to say...!" I called out to try and get them to pay attention, they both stopped in their tracks, I stopped too, bending down I clutched onto my knees as I tried to regain my breath, "I have...have...someone...who wants to meet you later on..." I looked at both of the cells as they still had their same old boring expression, "Sure." They spoke up in a Unison, C-Creepy...I thought, "Keep going." The duo began to run off, I sighed and continued on to training, Running a lap, I looked at the Brunette leader walked over towards the tree, and began to punch the oak, managing to break off wood shards, "How do...I'm not going to question..." I walked over towardd another tree and began to carelessly throw a barrage of punches at the tree, I looked at my bruised fists, sucking the wind through my teeth I continued to punch the tree harder, no avail with breaking the wind, I back up and began to try and flying kick the wood, but I failed miserably as my leg didn't even hit the tree but I missed, I fell but still managed to get up still and attempt again, at the corner of my eye and saw the boy sighing, frustrated I tried harder but still no avail, I got up and rubbed the back of my head, "What was that you numskull, try harder now!" The screeching of my teacher made me jolt and I instantly fixed my posture, "R-Right away sir!" I yelled and all I heard was other members whispering, "You try too hard." The young stoic female walked up towards me with the Brunette boy. "I'm trying hard so I don't fail...!" I spoke up and shuffled my foot as I wiped my nose in embarrassment, "You won't focus on anything, just drop if you can't do i-", "Someone's waiting for you." The blonde brownish haired female cut the boy off, I looked up at the pondering female and my face suddenly lights up, "Nk!" I yelled happily and ran towards her. It's time!

"Nk? Wait you're friends with one of them?!" I yelled out and the female beside me looked at me, "If think that's who he wants us to meet." the female next to me added, hearing them chat in the distance made me more curious, how did they meet, or how did they connect like that, I lifted my glasses and walked towards the duo with the female, I saw the young Nk cell look at us shyly, looking at her grip on her dress and expression she seems to be shy, "The is the cell I wanted you two to meet, Nk these are my...well friends if you would call them.", "It's nice too m-meet you..." I've noticed her red cheeks, the female next to me and I both stood there blushing lightly at the girl, Cute...We both thought about the peaceful lymphocyte, "It's nice to meet you to." I bowed lightly to hide the blush, the stoic girl followed suit, we both tried to hold our default expressions, clearing our minds he lifted our heads and looked at her, "Anyways I was deciding on what we should do today." The blonde lymphocyte spoke up and we all looked at him, "How about we trai-", "explore." She cuts me off everytime I swear... "I didn't think a stoic type like you would suggest something like that, but I like the idea, Nk what about you?" We looked at the ravenette in silence, "S-Sure...let's d-do that..." I closed my eyes since everyone was looking at me now, "I....Fine...but only today, I'd only skip one day of training." The girl beside me nodded in approval, good choice I guess. "It's decided then, let's go look around." The blonde boy spoke abd began to trail off, we continued to follow them, "Where exactly going? There's nothing much to lookmat since this Is a bone marrow.", "We'll think of something, and you can too since you have the brains." I didn't know if it was a insult of compliment but I just sighed, "whatever." I added, the atmosphere of awkwardness grew thicker since no one was talking, I fake coughed and the light brown haired girl looked at me, "How about we ask a Macrophage cell to bring us a glucose cone?" I enquire, but i look away in sheer embarrassment, such a ridiculous suggestion. "Uhm, we can try...but the Nk should, us Lymphocytes aren't meant to be out at this time of the morning, we're meant to be training...", "If it's something ti replace my craving for tea then we'll do it." I spoke up, we snuck off to hide behind a bush nearby and we watch the Nk cell run up towards the Macrophage for ice creams, a good excuse I made up for her was to ask for four cones to give to three cells in the Thymus school to cool them down, A good idea, and fortunately it worked since the Nk cell waved all four cones of glucose, leaving our hiding spot we all picked our individual cones and began to chow down, "I didn't think that it would work!" The blonde boy exclaimed, "well duh, it wouldn't foil because it was My plan.", "Well I'll give that to you then." He muttered, Seeing the boy continue on we all followed as we at our ice creams, boy... "I don't mind being out here...", "Hm, I agree too I admit." I agreed with the shorter femake beside me, "I knew you two would like this!" The boy at the front exclaimed again, I can see that smile creep onto his face, I shake my head with a sigh, we walked up another hill side and sawnthe amazing view from below, it amazing view...we all stared at the beautiful scenery, I couldn't help but let my eyes twinkle. We all sat down in amazement, "it's beautiful..." the young Nk cell stared, "I can't deny that..." I spoke up in awe.


The group of four sat there, small chuckled began between the four members and yelling was heard from the young KT cell, whkch resulted in bickering between the Helper and KT cells, leaving both females sighing, they lost themselves with delight thatnthey haven't noticed the sun going down, "I just realized the sun...we should head back now." The young Regulator cell spoke up and the rest agreed, it was about time that they left, and the Nk never had this much fun before, it made her feel warm inside, the group began to stand up and looked at the beautiful view on last time before leaving, back into positions they walked down the hill slowly as the two male lymphocytes were still bickering and the Nk cell was trying to calm them down which left the Young Regulator cell to shake her head in irritation.

But the relaxing mood had change...

"Four young charming..." Instantly all four of the members eyes widen as they saw three microorganisms surround the group, Instantly the stoic female ran towards the front of the group and bravely held her arms out, she stood her ground with now a terrified but brave look, "Stop it, get back now!" The boy with spectacles shouted out and he scrambled towards the girl and ran infront of her, her eyes widen, he was protecting them all, looking back she saw the blonde boy terrified but kept protecting the young Nk cell that looked worried and scared, "We're going to bring you home alive Nk!" The Helper cell shouted, "how charming..." one microorganism chuckled, "but how long will you last!" It continued and threw a heavy attack towards the young Helper cell, SLASH, that one attack bloodied his arm, the Help cell hissed in pain but still held his defenses up, the groups eyes widen, "Stop!" The female shouted again, the boy didn't budge, he had to protect them all, no matter what. "No, never!" He received one attack from another, "i'm never giving up!" The Nk cell watched in horror, she felt hopeless as everyone tried to protect her, why were they doing something so risky...she closed her eyes tightly, hoping that everything would just stop, until...

A sound of blood gashing was heard everyone even the Helper cell was shocked, the Macrophage and Thymic Epithelial cell, their bloodied appearance stunned the four, the brunette boy lowered his defenses, bruised and cut, while the female beside him had minor cuts, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" The Thymic cell shouted loudly which made everyone but the Macrophage, "ARE YOU ALL CRAZY, YOU'VE COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!" The agonising tone of his voice made everyone completely silent, "And you young boy, you're a star to this class but you could've been killed!" The older cell looked at the silent brunette, "It was my fault!" The blonde brownish girl stepped up, "I suggested that this idea of sneaking out...! By exploring, it was all my id-" the blonde boy that was looking down walked in front pf herk cutting her off completely, " leave the camp..." he spoke up weakly, tears began to run down his face, "It was my fault that they were in was my fault for being stupid to...everyone and nearly getting you killed..." the blonde cell looked at the brunette cell, the spark began to fade sinc eno one said anything, "Nk, let's go..." the Macrophage held onto her dainty hands and began to walk off, the Nk cell looked back at the other cells with a melancholy look, "You three are under house arrest for four days. Let's get you home to get you two fixed up." The trio walked behinnd the oldest cell in silence.

I'm sorry, Nk...

(To be continued.)

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