We meet again

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Heavy foot steps were heard echoing throughout the working city, It was daily for the Killer T cells to patrol the body while many stayed back to keep the Naieve cells training hard, meanwhile a certain female was walking past, a Natural killer cell. She was slumped over, covered in a lot of blood and left foot prints behind, she looked to be extremely tired since she spent her whole night fighting many of invading antigens from one after another, they just kept coming in. The sound of a draging metal object was heard from her blade, just scraping along the concrete tiled floor, her look seemed to be irritated and exhausted. The blonde brute spotted her and smirked at her tired form. "That's not how a soldier should carry on, you'd best be at home now, this work place is no home for weakli-" before he could finish his sentence the vexed female cell snapped back, "How about you shut your mouth you barbaric fool, I'm not in the mood to play children's games with you.", anger began to spark within the blonde man, the male clentched his fist, ready to fight, "What did you just say?! Oh i'm so going to kick your ass!" He hollered out but was kept back by his whole squad.

"S-Sir! Calm down, she hasn't done anything to provoke you, you can see that she's obviously exhausted!" One of his members shouted to try and calm the situation down, the Leader realised his actions and stood there in complete silence while some other working cells were staring right at them, "At least your men have more brains than you do..." swiftly the Nk cell turned around, "See ya." She walked off.

Why do you look so familiar...


Tired and irritated I slumped down onto a bench and sighed loudly, it's been a rough night for me and I need to wash this fluid off, I looked at the ground in silence as I shuffled my foot, Doesn't seem like he remembers me, that's what I get for being selfish, snapping out of that mindset I stared at my bloodied blade, but...I can't understand why I'm being callous towards him when he's the one that's meant to be cold, I held my head in frustration until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to find non other than my child hood friend, the Killer T cell, I huffed and gave him a indignant look, "What." I muttered out but the male didn't change his attitude, he looked...Suprisingly calm, "Come, let's get you a tea, you need a wash too, you reek of iron." I snicker silently, "Oh, are you worried for me?" That's what made the KT cell heat up in embarrassment, "I-In your dreams! Now hurry up before I change my mind..." I saw the figure turn around, I can still see that he's flustered just at the colour of his ears, He sure changed a lot, well...with his looks and build. Standing up I pick up my blade and nudged him in the shoulder, "I'm up you bonehead, let's go." I saw him snap out of his mind and silently followed along, "Hey, I'm sorry...about ticking you off this earlier, my men made me realise that what I was doing was unecessary." I turned with a suprised look, "You aren't...the type to apologize...but...fine, I forgive you at least." I saw his mood lighten up and I turned with a soft smile, still hasn't changed one single bit, In silence we made our way towards the beverage machines, "I'll make you one, just...relax alright." The male that was now in front of me was taking over the machine and began to make a tea and coffee, I just settled down in silence, why is he acting so...nice...? I looked down pondering until I felt another tap on my head, I looked up to see the tall man holding my tea, "Here, take it you sleepy head." I took the cup in silence and thanked him quietly, but it was loud enough for him to hear, I felt his presence right next to me and we both took a satisfying sip in a unison, we both sighed happily, the warm beverage definitely powered me up a bit and another silence fell between us, but...it was a familliar feeling, a comforting silence, I looked at my freshly hot boiled green tea, the steam bouncing off my forehead, "You remind me of someone I knew before, a long time ago." Instantly my attention snapped towards him, "Huh? I do?" I questioned lightly, he captured my full attention. "Yeah, I met a girl who was also a natural killer cell just like you, I even considered her as a best friend, someone who I'd definitely protect." His words rang through my head, I felt my heart drop and instantly that made me want to tear myself up for leaving him without telling him the truth, "We had a lot of good times, like playing hide and go seek with eachother and just many things that kids do...that's when...one day she stopped coming around, because of training wise, it was cool to find out why she was absent and all, but I wish she told me before she left...and...she left me again, I hope she's okay out there at least.." I saw deep sadness in his amber eyes, and instantly that pierced my heart. I turned stiff, processing what he was saying, the male glanced at me and cleared his throat, "Anyways, enough of that talk, tell me something about your childhood." I looked at him instantly and leaned back in panic, what do I say...what do I say...?!, "W-Well, uhm...it's complicated to say...", "I'm all ears Nk, you have to tell me now, because it's unfair for you to hear about my childhood and I can't hear about yours. "I...I...uh..." my heart began to pound wildly with no stop, I can't just tell him that I was that little girl from his story can I? Everything is so intense for me right now and I can't process anything at all, I gripped onto the bench tightly with trying to make up a simple but believable story, "W-Well...you see...", Great, he's looking at me like I'm some sort of colossal fool.



"Are you the girl that I met from my past?"

(To be continued)

(Sorry for the short chapter! But this had to be rushed, plus I planned this whole cliffhanger for a while, so the next story will be more intresting, next chapter will be released Monday.)

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