Getting to know you more

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(I terribly apologize for such a late release, my whole file had crashed and unfortunately had my work deleted, so I'll release double chapters.)

Chapter Text

A beautiful day, no intense heat to bother any cell, normal temperatures for the perfect day, and the day after the dehydration fiasco, the Nk cell was walking around the garden with the Macrophage, inhaling the sweet scent of the fresh flowers the Nk cell felt the Macrophage tapped her shoulder and crouched next to her, the Nk cell looked down with a questioning look, but the Maiden smiled, "Are you heading out today?" She questioned and the Nk cell nodded with a gentle look, "Then take this Umbrella, I don't want you dehydrated again from silly choices okay?" The Nk cell looked at her perturbed look, "I promise you, don't worry about it." The Macrophage's worried look turns to a more light hearted look, "Be back tonight, you have training." The delicate cell nodded and gently grasped onto the umbrella then took it gently, "Okay, i'll be careful today, I'll make sure that I drink a lot today." The Macrophage placed her hands onto the Nk's shoulder, "Good, go have fun." She commented and stood up, watching the Macrophage walk off the Nk cell also parted her ways.

"This will be a relaxing day."

I walked down the rich green hill, counting every step on the way down towards the Thymus school, twirling the umbrella in my hand I softly hummed a nice tune, making my way towards the school I entered the school camp, Seeing the lymphocytes training extremely hard I watched them in awe, she spotted one familiar boy that had blonde hair, I kept my eyes locked onto him, watching him absolutely fail I cringed at the poor boy, he seems to have it hard. I walked over to the bench nearby and sat down, feeling the refreshing breeze fly through my hair, I closed my eyes and inhaled deepy, "Such a refreshing day..." I whispered to myself, I looked up at the pale blue sky, my eyes dazzled just like sparkling water, slowly I got up and continued to walking around the side paths, stumbling upon a flower patch at the front lawn of then school, I crouched down near the flower bed and sniff the flowers, the sweet scent of fresh flowers made my corner of my mouth curve up, "Nk, what are you doing here?" I jolted and turned around quickly, there I saw the familliar blonde figure, "O-Oh, I'm just walking around, it's a good day so I might as well expore around the Marrow." I heard the young cell shuffling his foot as he rubbing his aching cheek where he was struck, "Can I join you...?" Standing up I nodded, looking up and down I studied his body language, he seemed to be aching, "Let's go." Walking down the trail paths we both enjoyed the fresh air, we inhaled deepy and exhaled in a unison, "How are you feeling from yesterday?" The male beside me asked and I looked at him, "I'm feeling more better now, i've had a lot of water today, and I brought ths umbrella since the Macrophage wanted to take extra precautions." I answered backth walm was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, more like comforting silence.

Following along the trails we made our way towards the river side the Nk started the conversation again, "Since you'll become a full fledged T cell, which T cell class do you want the most?" I left my mind to think, pondering with her question echoing in my mind, "I want to be a killer T cell..." The petite female looked at me with a gentle look, "I'd rather lay my life on the line and do something." I continued my sentence, "You show perseverance, I admire that thought." Blushing immediately from her words I chuckle as I screatched the back of my head, "O-Oh, heh...It's nothing to be proud of really-" before I could complete my words she cuts me off, "But you're brave for saying that, even if you don't know the full world ahead of you yet, If you're confident with your choice then strive for it." Her words gave me thoughts at that time, "Could you do me a favor?" I spoke up, the young Nk cell looked at me with a questioning expression, "I'd want you to refer me to as KT." I continued on, "Hm, okay then from now on, I'll adress you as KT from now on." I smiled at her softly, maybe this is a new spark of friendship. "Hey can we sit down? I'm still aching a bit sorry...", "Sure, i'd like to rest too." We both walked close towards the river and settled down comfortably, we both began to stare at the beautiful sky, "I can't wait to leave this bone marrow..." I said softly and the young girl looked at me, "Mm, same, I wanna be able to explore the world ahead of us." I picked up a small pebble and threw it across the river, seeing it hop across the water, we both found ourselves huffing at the fresh air, "Hey KT?" I looked over her way, "Yeah what is it?" Now curious I move closer to her, "Do you have any friends?" I sat there in silence, "I guess I couldn't say that I have's female, and the other is a male..." The female looked at me, "What are they like?" I pondered around, "They're both stoic, but they're encouraging.", "It's good to know that you have at least good friends." I nodded slightly, "Hey, tomorrow how about you meet them?" I asked and I saw her instantly blush, "" I cut her off quickly, "You're....shy?" I saw the Nk cell look away all flustered and embarrassed, "N-No..i'm...not..." I placed my hand onto her shoulder and smiled sweetly at her, "Hey, don't be shy, I'm sure they would like you, though they don't show it, i'm sure they will." The reassured cell looked at me with a gentle smile, "Okay, I believe you..." there the comforting silencd happened, the sky slowly turned orange and the environment started to wear a orangey dark shine, at the corner of my eyes I saw the Nk cell slightly nodd off, "Do you want to get going now?" She looked at me in silence and nodded tiredly, "I'll walk you home.." we both lifted ourselves onto our feet and began our long way back, since we travelled far into the bone marrow, we made our way towards her hill and we saw the sky become more darker, "It as nice hanging out with you today, KT..." the young cell next to me yawned and I smiled faintly, " was a nice day, thank you..." I walked with her towards the door, Suprisingly the Macrophage opened the door open with a graceful smile, "Oh, hello again~" Her greeting instantly made me bow down, "H-Hello Macrophag-", "Please raise your head, thank you for comforting my young Nk cell for today..." I lifted my head with a gentle blush, "It's okay, I just happened to find her around you know." I smiled at the young Nk cell and she smiled back, "Anyways I'd better get inside, take care young boy." The young Macrophage smiled, "Bye KT!" I smilee happily and waved at the petite girl, "Bye Nk, see you tomorrow!" Thd two figures entered the Mansion happily and I walked off smiling, then my speed picked up and I began to run down the hill, the moon shined down on my and I cheered happily, making it back towards the school I came back in time, I've never been so happy before.

I made it into my room where the Brunette boy was sleeping, quietly I climbed up the ladder after taking my boots off, he seems to always be the first one sleeping. Slowly laying down I covered myself in the blankets and I rolled to my side, hearing the faint running and cheering from the outside corridors It kept me up, but I wasn't annoyed, I was thinking about her.

What a great day....

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