Warming up

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Every cell was working hard, either through deliveries, repairing or eliminating and controlling certain places.

Everything was peaceful until...

"Look dammit I can't hear you!" A seemed to be angry leader shouted in full frustration, watching the immature Naive cells use their full might to complete their training didn't seem to suffice the angry squad leader, but everyone knew that he just wanted the best out of them, for them to activate their full potential. "If you aren't capable of even throwing a punch then you aren't even qualified for the battle fields you maggots!" The roaring voice shook the wimpy cells to the bone, and that was enough for them to at least expand their capacity to a greater height.

The Killer T sighed as he let his frustration go and continued to pace around the men with unstoppable insults, that is...


The sound of shouting was heard in the distance, and the faint noise became louder as it neared, everyone had stopped their activity and looked in confusion, noticing a growing shadow shading the Killer T cell looked up with a puzzled look, then his eyes widened, before he could react he was suddenly hit with a strong force and was thrown down forcibly.

"Ugh...that one actually hurts..." the voice of a female echoed out from the dust cloud, she noticed her soft landing and turned around quickly, "Oh! Sorry Killer T!" The Woman blurted and stood up instantly as she wiped the dust off of her clothing, slight groaning was heard from the male below, and he slowly sat up as he rubbed his head, getting extremely angry the male shot his look up towards the female until he realised who it was, "N-Nk?" He questioned, "How did you end up here?"

"Some damn bacteria managed to whack me to oblivion and landed me here...I didn't expect that to happen at all...unexpected for a Nk cell like me, I was just roaming the body and found that the microorganism was looking around for fresh kill...the Neutrophils are most likely at it now..." she sighed and shook her head, "Here, I'll help you up KT." The Nk cell extended her arm to towards the man, linking hands properly she pulled him up easily. "You can finally pull me up I see." The Killer T snickered and he pat the dust of his clothes and the female just looked away with a smile, "about time, but that was years ago, you were heavy."

"Hah, I was only light."

"Fair point, but you were heavy to me."


The friendly manner between the two and laughing had confused the Naive cells,

"Why are they so civil...aren't they meant to be fighting and stuff...?"

"Yeah...it's weird..."

The sound of the whispering cells caught the blonde man's attention quickly and he snapped his look towards them with a obviously pissed look. "Hey! Get back to work you morons or else it's sparring with me!" The inexperienced cells shrieked, "Sir yes sir!", They continued to expand their capabilities with the heavy task of activities.

"You seem like you know how to control your men." The Nk smiled and the Killer T huffed with a small chuckle, "Yes, our mentors told us that discipline is the best teacher.", "Indeed it is Killer. But do you mind having a walk with me? I've been wanting to talk for a while and now that I have the chance i might just use it." Naturally Killer wouldn't accept such sappy requests since he's more fixated on disciplining and controlling Naive T cells but it was different, it was NK that wanted to walk with him, the tone of her voice had him quite calm, he didn't imagine to befriend his rival again who was originally his best friend, but could he possibly find his love for the female again?

"Gosh fine, quit the puppy dog face would you, it's cute." Nk widen her eyes in suprise and light pink hues creeped up to her cheeks, obviously flustered. "D-Don't say that!" Nk stuttered and lightly punched Killer's arm. "Gah- okay okay i won't, i was just saying." Killer snickered and Nk turned with a pouting expression. Oh how much Killer yearned for such a peaceful manner with the female again, he's lucky his wish came true. Suddenly Nk clutched onto KT's arm with jolted the larger cell, "H-Hey!" Killer mumbled and Nk just smirked with a light chuckle, pulling him along the Nk cell just with glee while the cells that surrounded slowly grew confused, when did their attitudes towards eachother change?

The duet halted near the connecting bridge to one of the vains, Nk lazily leaned against the bridge, staring at the flowling river.

"Ne, killer." The pause was cut short and the brute cell turned to look down at his companion, "What is it?" He replies solemnly, he knew the mood was serious now, it wasn't the time for jokes. "Have you. . . Ever gotten stronger feelings for someone, but you lose that burning passion after a while, because your commitment manages to sabotage such desires?" Killer pondered, where did this sudden question pop from? And why was is almost, so relatable?

"N- Never mind that dumb question. . .it wouldn't Intrest you anyways." Nk mumbled quietly, but loud enough for Killer to hear. "No, it's not dumb. I guess i er- can relate on that one.", Nk gleamed and look at Killer so quickly, "Huh, really?" The reply made KT scratch his neck awkwardly, "If you can say that, then i guess. . .", "then that makes both of us."

Both, huh. . .that one word that Killer dislike, simply because it meant together. Such bitterness poisoned his tongue, there was no reason but, the word both, always reminded him of himself and Nk, could've they ended up together if things stayed the same. One thing would've altered the course of timelines, but Killer knew that Nk's choice was fair, he understood that sharing feelings with another will only cause grief if one dies, permanently severing such close bonds.

"I liked you, ya'kno. . .and i still do."

The bridge went silent, meanwhile KT was mentally bashind his head in, "how ridiculous godammit!"he mentally screamed. "Wa- Wait, that's not what i meant, honest!" Killer blurted out, his embarrassment levels going off the chart. 

"So you like me. . ," the female interrupted the thoughts of the older cell. 

"Haha! Killer!" The shorter cell snickered, she inhaled and when she thought her snickering was over, she began to laugh more. "H-Hey, is this some kind of joke to you?"

Wiping a tear NK shuddered a breath and launched herself at the irritated man and wrapped her arms ever so gently at him. "You absolute  dummy." She snickered against him, and killer just stood there. He felt like he was on cloud nine. Bending slightly he wrapped his arms around her, smiling slightly into the embrace. He felt like an idiot but...he didn't care at the same time, just as long as Nk and he were happy.

"I like ya' too, killer."

(To be continued)

-Hello! I am so so so sorry that i have been gone for 2 years, and i promised everyone i would post frequently, but i am human. We need to recharge and focus on what is important, i have made a map of where this story leads too, but i can't determine when i will upload, i apologize that this chapter isn't long but i promise that i will eventually make a longer chapter. Things are really tight due to the coronavirus, but we'll all get through this together. Please practice social distancing and stay home.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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