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([ = A voice being transmitted through a Walkie talkie.)


"Are you the girl that I met from my past?"

I froze, unable to talk, If I say yes he'll bombard me with so many questions, but If I say no he'll be disappointed.

My mind juggled around thoughts, and neither excuse were good enough for me to escape this whole situation, the only last thing I'll have to resort to, is to just be honest with him. And honestly I never prepared myself for this sudden question. "I..."

"Be honest Nk, are you or are you not."

I heard his tone turn serious, and he wasn't joking, he was serious. Dead serious. Sighing I came out with confidence, and i looked at him again, looking deep into his eyes. "Yes I am. I am the girl that you were talking about, this whole time I knew who you were but you didn't seem to remember me, but that's okay, because i deserve it for leaving you with a grim end." The Killer T cell looked at me in suprised.

"You kept that promise..."

I blinked at him twice, but then I realised what he had meant, that innocent vow we both made before parting. "Yeah, if I were to forget about that then It would've made me look like a douche."

"Hah, aren't you one already? You've changed, from a innocent kid to a completely sour old man."

I couldn't get angry at his words, but instead I bursted out into laughter, soon after the blonde man next to me began to laugh with me, the silence fell between us again and I smiled softly, but...I'll have to tell him the whole truth...building up my courage I shuffled my self a bit to find a comfortable posture, clearing my throat the Killer T looked at me instantly, sighing I began to confess the whole thing that went down, "Do you remember that time when we found eachother and I said that for all those years I was training independently."
"Yeah? Why, is there something else?"
"Yes, there was a lie." I nervously looked at the corner of my eye to see the Killer T frozen, instantly I gulped. "Actually this whole time...I was avoiding you, because of how early I join the work force before you, and...I had to break our bond that we had because we both know that bonds never last in the working world, I told the whole manor to lie to you so you wouldn't know where I would be...this whole time I was mentally cursing myself for being harsh towards you, because you don't deserve it, you weren't the one to bail on me, I was, I was so frustrated with everything that the only thing I could to you was act bitter...I don't know why I did it and honestly, I'm so should be the one being uncaring to me not me..." I looked down with my bang covering my whole face, it grew silent again and no one said anything, "It's okay..." I looked at him instantly and in confusion, "How could you forgive me...?"
"Because, you told the truth. If you kept it in for all that time and I found out, I would've been angry...I just wish you told me that before..."
"But what if-"
"But what? Do you think I would've been upset? Nk...listen, I would've understood it well enough because it would make sense, If we both stuck to each other like glue like we did as kids, non of us would've gotten our jobs done. Don't dwell on your continuous acts of being cold, all that matters is that our promise was fulfilled."
My eyes widened at his act of forgiveness, sure he acted like a bonehead and mean guy, but underneath that tough shell he was actually a sensitive man. I slumped back in relief and sighed a chuckle, "wow...I'd never thought you'd take it lightly and not be upset by it...thank you..."
"Heh, you are my best friend after all, don't sweat."
The atmosphere grew to a light hearted moment and we just sat there happily, until I felt my hair being fiddled with, I looked at the corner of my eye to find the blonde leader touching my short strands of hair, "What happened to that pretty long hair of yours?" I instantly looked away blushing and smiled, "I cutted my hair short to fight more properly, and to...change identity...I mean who could fight with long hair."

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