Cherry Cola

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The early morning sky was still warm and smelt of sunflowers and mint. It wasn't hot anymore and a crisp wind was blowing as the two boys made their way out of the red car. 2d was a bit drowsy, due to the sleep that he never got. The drowsiness making him stumble a bit, but he wasn't that tired. Ace slid one hand over 2d's shoulder, helping him walk a bit more straightly. They were walking through the nicely lit park heading towards the gazebo. Ace had a bag of cherry colas in this hand. As the made their was into the gazebo, 2d swung around one of the pole while Ace thought about how to ask 2d about what he and Noodle have previously talked about. 2d sat down next to Ace, taking out one of the sodas from the bag.

"You sure do have a thing fo' cherry cola don't you?" The singer asked with a smirk.

"Eh, what can I say, it's a luxurious drink."

"It's really beautiful outside tonight. And I love the smell of the Alder trees in the air, don't you?"

"'tis very nice indeed Stu."

"What's wrong? You don't seem like your old, fun loving energetic self Acey. Did I do something?"

"No! It's not you. I just wanted to ask... Why do you have days where you're gloomy and gray?"

The smile disappeared from the bluenette's face, making him blush. He knew the exact answer to this question, heck, he's been asking himself all the time but he just avoids it. He never wanted to face the consequences of having to talk about it. But he knew that he couldn't lie to his boyfriend, the last thing he wanted was to make him think that he was untruthful and a bad influence. He looked at his feet trying to avoid eye contact. Ace got up and sat down next to him pulling him into a gentle hug. He could feel warm tears dropping on the back of his shirt. 2d was crying. 

"I don't want ya to hold in things anymore, you have got to start talking to me about them. You think that you are weak, but Stu, you are the strongest person I know, you've stood through 20 years of abuse by that green lizard, you've held everything together and now you're coming back all strong and powerful. But I just need you, please, to tell me what going on."

That's when 2d stood up wiped his tears, and started singing. Usually 2d sang old songs from previous albums but Ace couldn't recognize this song in particular. It sounded so new and melancholic, but would be the perfect summer sob song. 

If loving you's a felony now, then I'm a renegade, riding.Trying to find tomorrow ain't easy 'til you dive in. 

He continued singing, hoping that Ace could figure out what, but most importantly who the song was about.

I will always think about you 

That's why I'm calling you back on my way through 

"2d, is this about... Murdoc?" Ace asked, with a bit of confusion. 2d sat down, taking a big sip of his cola.

"Yeah. I just can't stop thinking about him. Not in that kind of way though. I just can;t stop thinking about what he had put me through, and why he did it. Sometimes I try to think about a life where I never got ran over by his car, but I always end up getting sleep paralysis at the end. And then I feel this pain in my stomach that just makes me feel gray the whole day.  I just can't believe that he's finally in jail. Where he is s'posed to be, because of everything he did. It's just hard to be myself sometimes y'know? I even tried to quit smoking,and so far I think that I've done a good job."

"Wow. I never thought about it like that. D' if you ever need to talk then you ca always come to me or Noodle even Russ. We all care about your well being and we just want the best for you. Okay?"

"Okay Acey." 2d giggled. He then proceeded to take out his phone and started scrolling through a playlist.

"Um so, I wanted you to listen to this song, we were working on the other day before you got here. It's called tranz, see if you like it."


He put the music on. And unlike the other song, this one was upbeat and energetic. 2d's vocals were amazing as usual. Ace got up and started dancing to the beat of the music eventually pulling 2d in to join him. 2d was a really good dancer but he liked to sway around from time to time. When the song was over the both sat down and sipped on what was left of the cherry colas. It was around 2 am and 2d was really feeling the drowsiness even though he drank a lot of soda. His eyes felt really heavy but he still stayed awake for the sake of keeping Ace company.

"So you liked it then?" He asked Ace, whilst taking a big gulp of soda.

"Yeah, It's really different from your other songs. Different in a good way!"

They sat there for a while looking at the dark early morning sky.

"Hey, can we go home?" 2d yawned "I'm getting really tired and I kinda wanta go to bed before the sun comes up."

"Sure c'mon. You don't want anything to eat or drink? You just wanna sleep?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice." The singer said, slowly drifting off into the dream realm. He was barley even awake anymore. "And I could use a hot cup of peppermint tea too."

"Gotcha, cm'on let's get going." Ace picked up the cans and threw them in a nearby trashcan, and helped 2d walk as they headed towards the car. As they drove on, the sweet crisp air woke the singer up a bit. He stayed awake until they got home. When they entered the house nobody was in the living room nor the kitchen. Ace made a cup of peppermint tea for 2d, as he requested. They both sat down at the kitchen table, 2d sipping his tea and Ace checking his phone. Once he was finished, Ace helped him up the stairs and into his room, and kissed him goodnight.

"Acey... Can you, stay? With me... Just for the night! I just don't want to be alone." The singer said while his face turned deep red again. Now he was looking at his feet avoiding eye contact with Ace again.

"Sure. I mean- if that's what you want then. Yeah."

Soon they were both in boxers and cuddling in the bluenette's bed. The temperature was lower than it was before and it was a bit chilly. "You sure yo want to stay with me Acey?"

"Yeah D'. I'll stay with you." He gave 2d  a quick peck on the lips, and his neck. He pulled Stuart into a hug, while stroking his soft azure blue hair. He looked down, 2d was fast asleep cuddles into his chest. Ace turned of the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed and went to sleep, in the cherry scented room.

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