Silver Lining

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Murdoc had been in prison for about quite a while now. The band was doing quite okay though. Noodle has been traveling all over the world, and Russel has been practicing new instruments they were fine. But 2d. 2d couldn't get over the fact that Murdoc was finally in jail. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about him. Heck, he ruined his life! But there is something about him that he just couldn't forget. "I don't want to think about you" Stuart (2d) said in a soft monotone voice. He was trying to think of some song lyrics, but he couldn't. He got up from his bed and opened his teal blue curtains. The sunlight shone directly on his face and the bluenette gave a little "Hiss". 

"Toochie! Come down! It's lunch time!" Noodle Shouted. Toochie used to be the way Noodle pronounced his name back when she couldn't speak English. Even though she could properly say it now, she prefers sticking to "Toochie" because she finds it cute.

"M' coming' luv!" He answered. He went to his closet to look for some fresh clean clothing to wear. He pulled out a white ringer tee with red details. Then he slipped on some worn out high waisted jeans and began his journey down the stairs. Once he got down he slid into the kitchen and greeted his bandmates.

"Sup D? D'ya finish those lyrics you were meaning to write?" Russel asked passing a bowl of mac n' cheese over to the bluenette. "Eat up D. You've been in your room all day." Noodle scurried out of the living room and sat down at the kitchen table with the two boys. "Toochie, so me and Russ were thinking. Since you want to work on that new album, and we don't have a bassist, I was thinking that we could get a temporary bassist. He's actually a friend of mine, you probably know him! Y'know Ace from The GanGreen Gang right? From that show I used watch as a kid?" Noodle pulled out her phone to show the bluenette a picture of him.

2d's eyes went from white to black, a sign that he was going to have a bad day. "Why does he look li' Murdoc?" 2d asked with a monotone voice. "I said I didn' want t-to talk about him anymo'" Tears welled up in his eyes. His face turned red and he started breathing heavily.

"Don't worry D', he's nothing like Murdoc, he's a nice fellow he' s chill, he won't hurt you D'." Russel said softly.

"And, he's kinda coming here this evening... With his stuff... Because he's kinda moving in. For now. Sorry I didn't tell you. You were just in your room all day and I didn't want to bother you." Noddle Apologized.

"S'okay..." The bluenette said, while walking upstairs to his room.

_ _

2d laid there on his bed and pulled the duvet onto himself and turned on the Air Con. He felt bad. He knew that he was having one of "Those days". The types of days he would feel numb, and dull. The days where he wouldn't get out of bed because he felt bad, and tired. Sometimes he had a headache, or a migraine and he would just lay there for the whole day without taking his pills. The bluenette had a dart board with Murodcs face on it. He looked at it with a lump in his throat. "I will always think about you" he sobbed.

_ _

Meanwhile, Noodle and Russel were in their old bassists former room getting it ready for their new bassist, when they herd the doorbell ring. Noodle rushed out of the room almost tripping on a box in front of the room. She sped downstairs slightly falling down the last step. She zoomed to the door and opened it without even looking at who it was.

"Ace! Acer! Acey! Ace Copular! Welcome come in!" Noodle exclaimed while giving him a big bear hug. 

"Hon, Hon, Hon, careful now, I can't be a bassists if you hug the life out of me!" He said with a sly smirk. "How are ya?"

"I'm fine! Wow! you cut your hair? Looks nice? Need help with your boxes?"

"Oh yeah sure. Thanks! You could just set them wherever!" He said nodding.

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