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As they drove to the restaurant, 2d and Ace sat in the back, looking away from each other. The car was dead silent. Noodle was anxious because the two men were not talking to each other, and she needed them to talk in order for her plan to work. Russel parked in front of the restaurant and turned off the car engine. They all got out of the car and walked into the dining area.

"Table for four, please." Noodle asked a nearby waiter.

"Sure thing, miss." The waiter led them to a table near the dance floor. Soft music was playing in the background. This was perfect. They sat down at the table. Ace and 2d sat next to each other but didn't say a word. The waiter came to the table and handed them menus, and they ordered their food and drinks. A few moments later, the waiter brought them their desired drinks.

"Hey Russel, do you want to go dance? On the dancefloor? With me?" Noodle asked nervously, trying to sound as natural as possible.

"Sure thing Noodle. 2d, Ace stay here and make sure the food comes okay? Thanks." They stood up and headed towards the dance floor, leaving the two men alone together. The silence continued for another 5 minutes before 2d decided to say something to break the tension.

"Nice suit you got there." He said, trying to sound apologetic.

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."


The silence continued. 2d was staring at the sky. Ace looked at every part of him. He looked at his face, his shoulders, his arms, his chest, his hair. His lips. He took a sip of his cherry cola, looking away from 2d, not wanting him to notice his pink face. 

"I'm sorry." Ace apologized. "I didn't mean to try to pry into your private life like that. I was just upset that you didn't tell me. Even though we were dating."

2d felt guilty. "I didn't mean to hit you like that."

"Yeah, that kinda hurt." Ace smiled. "You're strong."

"Oh, thanks."

The awkward silence came back a second after. 2d sipped on his straw for a bit before putting his cup of orange juice down. He eyed the dance floor, looking around for Russel and Noodle, but he didn't find them. But the good news is that they left the car in the parking lot and left the keys on the table. A look of worry crept on his face, and he started fidgeting with his fingers. 2d got out his phone and texted Noodle. She told him that there was an emergency at home and she and Russel had to go take care of it. 2d sighed and put his phone away. The waiter came back to their table with the meals.

"Thank you, sir but the two other people will not be attending anymore." 2d said.

"Oh then, let me move you to a table for two." The waiter proposed.

The two sat down across from each other and tried to avoid eye contact. Ace pocked at his caviar while looking at 2d's untied shoelaces. He got up from his seat and knelt down to tie them for him. He sat back down and looked at 2d with a weak smile.

"I'm really sorry. I really want to put this in the past." Ace said

"Me too. But I-I just didn't like the way you reacted. It was kinda scary." 2d looked at his feet. He didn't want to look at Ace because tears were forming up in his eyes. "And I didn't want you to be mad at me. But n-now you are, and that's my fault." 2d got up and excused himself from the table. He walked into the parking lot and got into the car, where he began to cry. Ace went after him and got into the car with him, and sat in the driver's seat.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. There's no need to cry Blue." Ace said trying to wipe 2d's tears away. This just made him cling on to Ace and cry even more.

"H-how could you still love m-me, after all, o-of this?" 2d lamented.

"Blue, a lot of couples get into arguments, but that doesn't mean that they don't love each other no more. And I know that what you did wasn't very, how could I put this? Nice. But you're still trying to make it right. You try to stay in touch with them and you pay for childcare, that's the right thing to do. You're trying to fix your past mistakes, and I love you for that. And I have to admit, I kinda overreacted, so I'm sorry about that but I just want to let you know that I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you."

"R-really?" 2d sniffed.

"Really." Ace pulled away from their hug and got closer to 2d. Their noses and foreheads touched. They could hear each other breathing. That's when their lips collided. Ace kissed him and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below 2d's ear, his thumb caressing his cheek as their breaths mingled. 2d ran his fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and he could feel the beating of his heart against his chest. They stopped each other from going any further when they realized they were in a public parking lot.

"I-I should go pay the bill." Ace giggled.

"Yeah, you should." 2d chuckled. Ace got out of the car and disappeared into the building. A few minutes later he came back.  He got back into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. The drive home was really nice. 2d couldn't stop leaning in and kissing Ace on the cheek, distracting him a little. Once they pulled into their driveway, the couple hastily got out of the car and made their way into the house. Hearing the sound of the door closing, Noodle ran to the front hall to see the two men kissing.

"Aw, back together I see?" She asked with a high pitched voice.

"Um, yeah, we are." They both giggled. 

"We are... Going to go upstairs for the um, night so, see you. Tomorrow!" 2d told Noodle. She knew exactly what their intention was. 

The two entered Ace's room and closed the door.

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